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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/03/16 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Never had a chance to try the infamous One95, but found one on eBay finally with my preferred curve and flex for $40! In USA colors:
  2. 2 points
    finally got sent some photos of me, as a player on our team was injured who happens to take photos for a living... over 15 years of playing - only photos of me are in the 'team shots' for the end of year etc...
  3. 1 point
    Just saw a tweet from Graf: "Major GRAF news coming soon"
  4. 1 point
    That's Awesome! Thanks! The great bonus with younger skaters is their skates tend to be a bit on the big side when they first by them [room to grow into]. The POWERFOOT will actually make them feel fitted from day one and because they don't affect the length and width of the Skate they can grow into them and continue to get all the benefits from the POWERFOOT. Thanks again for spreading the word, it's HUGE for a company like ours. Cheers!
  5. 1 point
    Today is a very short stick and puck (one hour long!). I am taking what I can get right now, as the opportunities are limited for the week. Speaking of which- I may have to try out for a league team pretty soon, as it looks like my prayers might be answered: a new job, therefore a totally different schedule may be curtailing my daytime hockey. This isn't a terrible thing, as my current occupation is not doing my body (or mind) very good. I will still be doing it on the side on weekend days until I can transition completely out of it (i.e. make enough money to quit completely). My wife came home with the opportunity. It isn't a certain thing by any means, but what I have is an "in", so to speak. This last month with my current job did my head in, and whilst giving me ample time to play hockey- hockey doesn't pay the bills. At least playing goal at drop in is free. So I guess I had better get cracking on finding a league to play in.
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    Thanks again for the quick reply to my email and for posting this. I hope it helps those who may have had the same thought or question. I just sent your link to a friend of mine who's 8 year old is showing great potential of becoming something amazing. I'm curious to see what his skating coach will think of these.
  8. 1 point
    Left for work trip last week, walked past my bicycle that i normally ride to work. Gave the tyres a quick squeeze as I normally do to feel the pressure. Return back from trip, didnt feel anything was amiss. Ready to ride to work the next day and bike wasnt there. Neither was the helmet. Thought I might have left it at work... took the ferry to work, went to the bike cage, and its not there. Wife said she hadnt seen the bike for over a week since I left, and neither had our babysitter. Nobody else uses that bike except for me, so just wondering where it could be. At least the person who took the bike is riding safe with that helmet. The bike was in the carport, which is INSIDE the fully fenced/gated premises. Lodged a police report, and called the insurance company. They said I could file an insurance claim as its covered under my home contents insurance, but I've got a $300 excess. There goes the savings for the newer skates, shaft and blades that I was saving up for. Didnt help that the wife got a $340 fine for using her phone while driving.

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