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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/21/22 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Not to throw a monkey wrench in your design, but how a flex feels can change based on kick point 😬 The first thing I'd do is figure out exactly what you feel your stick does well and what it doesn't. What do you like about your shots (of all types), passes (both giving and receiveng of all kinds), handles, etc. and what don't you like? What do you think you want to improve and what don't you want to lose? You'll be able to get a sense of how each part of the stick affects your game. Then I'd think hard about how you play. What position do you play? What is your best stick attribute? Where do you take most shots from, how far from the net? What type of shot do you take most? Do you make a lot of saucer passes? Do you take a lot of faceoffs? What is the most important and least important stick skill in your game? This will let you figure out what you need most in a stick. Be honest and reasonable with these. Don't expect to get a new stick/curve and all of a sudden have a 100 mph slapshot or Patrick Kane dangles. Also understand that retail sticks and curves have strengths and weaknesses and you'll probably have tradeoffs. You're not going to be able to all of a sudden be able to do everything well. It's best to focus on what you do most and get a stick that will help with those attributes, ie don't get an amped midkick stick because you want the one slapshot a game you take to be harder. And if all else fails, get a Jetspeed Team stick in your flex with a P90TM curve. That would be about as middle of the road as you can get. It's a hybrid (dual) kick point shaft with a blade that is a mix of just about every retail curve. You can find them on Sideline swap for pretty cheap, and it performs pretty well for the price. This way you can fine tune from there.
  2. 1 point
    Just sharing what I know, nothing more nothing less. Bauer is already out of these. They'll be printing money with each re-release now, if they weren't sure before.
  3. 1 point
    I get good lift on my back hand with a w10 and a w28. Just got to know when you’re doing

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