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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/25/22 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    The point was not to compare manufacturing a car to manufacturing hockey equipment. The point was to illustrate how the auto industry caused probably the worst inventory shortage in the history of the automobile by reducing their orders for semiconductors amid a supply crisis. This ain’t limited to cars. Dozens, if not hundreds, of industries cut back on their chip orders and manufacturing and faced massive inventory shortages when they couldn’t get those chips back later. Global production capacity is still severely stunted. Reducing the production runs for hockey gear at factories could result in the same shortages later when the forfeited capacity can’t be regained or the materials can’t be obtained.
  2. 1 point
    So, I've used my Sync and brought it out against my Geo and FT5 Pro. Sync is definitely an improvement over the Geo in terms of shot, lower weight and I'd say slightly better balance. Still doesn't shoot as good as CCM sticks do though, but closes the gap. Puck feel is still amazing. I still haven't dialed in if it is more dampened than the Geo, and need a few more skates with it side by side. But every time I use a new CCM stick I question why I loved the Nexus sticks so much... then I go and make a few passes with them and it all comes back. Puck feel is unreal and basically at the other end of the spectrum compared to the Jetspeed, Trigger, and Hyperlite (not saying all of those are the same, Nexus is just way softer).
  3. 1 point
    For situations like this, I understand the issue. You want less steel at the toe for that acceleration, but on a 9-10 it is leaning him forward when he is on the Center of the blade. I would bring him back to 0 and let the profile take the steel away from the toe. i.e. by using something like a custom OMNI 8-9-10-11. It’s smoother and faster than a 7-10. I use this 8’ toe -> 11’ heal profile for a lot of players who give me the same feedback you wrote. It is one of the easiest and smoothest profiles You can skate on.
  4. 1 point
    ::Tap-tap, blows in the PA, is this thing on? Oh...it is? Good.:: Paging @Hills to the white courtesy phone, will @Hills please report to the nearest white courtesy phone? Thank you. ::hangs up PA::

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