ROH is really more dependent on the weight of the skater if I am not mistaken. Heavier you are, the less deep the hollow needs to be, bc your weight helps dig the edges into the ice more. The less heavy, the deeper the hollow needs to be, bc you don't have as much weight digging the edges into the ice. I am 230 lbs and I am on 3/4. I like it, but I bet I could easily go one step lower ( 7/8 ) and still feel confident on my edges.
When I first got my new step steel blades profiled, i also installed brand new replacement holder on my skates. So i asked the pro shop guy who I mailed them to, what ROH should I use. His comment back was, "you are now getting brand new steel thats 3-4 mm higher than what you were used to. You now have brand new holders on your skates and you now have profiled blades as well. Those are 3 new things to get used to, keep your ROH the same for now ( 5/8 ) and get used to the new set up, after that, start bumping down one step at a time as you get comfortable."
I feel like you are in the same boat as me with the new skates, shorter steel and now possibly profiled blades. Don't go changing too many things at once. Maybe just stay with the 5/8 on the new profiled blades, get used for a month or two so and then change the ROH, go down to the 11/16, then maybe down to 3/4.