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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/23 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    If you feel some lift while walking but it feels fine skating , leave it. The only time you walk in them is to and from the locker room and it has no impact on your skating on the ice. When skating your knees and ankles are flexed forward and your pushes into the heel pocket vs standing upright and walking. I think with modern skates and the fact ccm has put more padding inside the skates now adays, the heel pocket is a bit more cushioned. Heel pockets used to literally be just lined with the liner and nothing else. You're just used to what you used to have. This was a complaint by some people when they tried true skates for the first time a few years ago. They found the heel lock to not be great for true skates and that was a combination of how much foam true has in the heel pocket and that their heel pocket is deeper than ccm Bauer etc. I felt this way as well but also noticed it didn't affect me on the ice as the heel lock while skating was fine. It was just walking that it didn't feel locked in like my old Bauers did. Personally, if I were you I wouldn't clam the heel. Do the shrink wrap technique. The clamping method is too precise in the location what you want is the entire heel pocket and ankle area to mold around that portion of your foot. With the shrink wrap you can achieve this. Only thing is with shrink wrap you should bake the entire skate and it may mess with the punching you already did. Good luck.

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