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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. I think he's trying the old 'win over the little brother move' and would have given that stick away if he saw an 'impressive improvement' in drinking from a water fountain... :P
  2. Why don't you move up to forward for net year? Its not like they can get worse, and hopefully you'd enjoy the change of scenery. Think of it as a new challenge you probably couldn't get if you guys were 9-0.
  3. As well as a girlfriend to cut loose. ^ This. I'd have expected to see 'Ex GF didn't....' Either way good luck. You can usually get pretty large reductions in the hospital bill if you call the billing department and make it clear you WANT to pay, but just can't pay that much.
  4. Bought new hockey pants and found that: 1- Suspender buttons allow you to use suspenders 2- Suspenders keep the pants from falling off 3- Padding works better than thin nylon for stopping fast pucks All 3 of the above (while seemingly obvious) aren't, to Easton. At least on my Synergy ST4's. So thank you Reebok for making pants for < $60 that don't leave with with black and blue marks and needing to pull up my hockey pants every other minute. My hockey experience has improved dramatically!
  5. It just occurred to me I won't ever get any 'good' pictures because I'm the only one in my circle of friends how has a 'proper' camera and the know-how to use it... I can't even get my wife to pick up it with most of the lenses on it. Sigh... Well if anyone needs shots taken at Leaf Ice in IL let me know!
  6. Took a slapper to the single 1" spot on my pants that isn't padded... Stupid Eastons... Plus, they won't stay up and don't have buttons for suspenders, so I get to pull them up every shift... Job??? What in the world for? And thanks for the Good Luck wishes. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Job_%28Bible%29
  7. I've fallen for that before... <_< (I'm just bitter because I am waiting on a HM order too...)
  8. Sweet God, I just read about your last time... :o I think you win the venting thread. Did they give you any advice last round to avoid another? It appears unsuccessful. :(
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