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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by AIREAYE

  1. Done high school. Last exam was the worst in my entire life :biggrin: screw French (no offense haha) DONE.

    Heading to the University of Toronto next year too

    Starting my new job at Hockey Experts next weekend (big thanks for all of you MSHers, esp JR, Chadd, JA for making theis board great :biggrin: BIGGEST thanks to Lester8 for listening to and hiring me) Looking forward to sharing some stories on here too.

    Week-long camping trip with all my graduating seniors starting tomorrow. :biggrin:

  2. i disagree. i understand that what happened in that instance is offensive to shop owners who invest a lot of time and money to run a store, but a business that wants sustainability finds reasons to get the customer to buy from them, not reasons not to.

    Each situation is different, you must go into each one with an open mind, aiming for the sale obviously. But if it becomes very apparent that the customer has no intention of buying and will not heed advice, then you shouldn't spend anymore unnecessary time with them when you could be helping someone else.

  3. Personally I think It'd make sense to have a "fitting fee" that would be waved if the product was purchased... If this is what you guys are referring to anyway, don't mind me.

    That is the case. There was a long discussion about a fitting fee a while back, which resulted in a banning and a number of deleted argument posts. Needless to say, it is/was a controversial topic

  4. some people have no respect whatsoever

    hmm it's not necessarily that they have no respect and go in intending to be disrespectful, it's more like they're ignorant of the fact that it's disrespectful; :tongue: if that makes sense. Unfortunately there isn't much anyone can do about it

    The best thing any LHS owner/worker can do is if they know that a person is only using them as a fitting service, to give as little time to them as possible

  5. I thought prom and even after parties were going to be lame, kept it clean no alcohol and still had an unreal amount of fun

    That's what most kids seem to think, but then they go and have the time of their lives. The ones who stayed home will regret it when they're older lol

  6. I think people have this misconception that the ice is like a foot thick.

    I had a guy in a beer league game I was reffing there throwing a fit because I sent him off the rink until he put on a helmet intended for hockey (instead of his Gretzky bucket).

    Not really relevant but hey, if it can protect the greatest player in the game, why can't it protect me right? :laugh:

  7. heres whats on my game mix lately:

    The ghost inside


    Parkway drive

    August burns red

    Asking alexandria

    rise against.

    Drugs is former chiodos singer craig owens new band, they're really solid just saw them. and super pumped for august burns red new cd in june i think it is.

    awesome :) DRUGS is on Warped tour this year (yeah I'm going LOL), you checking it out?

    Chiodos is good, esp Intensity in Ten Cities

  8. I know this isn't as serious as most, by McD's needs to go back to just concentrating on burgers. It's getting to the point it takes a half-hour to get thru the drive-thru at night because they are too busy trying to be a coffee house.

    Apparently, they DO make pretty good coffee :/ But I won't be one to try it. The boycott continues after watching Super Size Me a few years ago :laugh:

  9. Someone puked all over a urinal in my hall on my floor again. I understand its college and you can have fun but come on the toilet is only 5 steps away from the urinal. Well looks like the charges for my floor keep going up and up.

    Do they charge you maintenance fees on top of residence? Or are you saying that residence will go up?

  10. I feel like the next time I hear something along the lines of "Check out Charas curve, I can't believe he uses that thing" Balloons and confetti should fall from the sky for the billionth dumbass.

    ok now that's just being arrogant. It's not like the manufactures put it out there that the pros dont ACTUALLY use the retail curves...heck even gear for that matter. It's just that we here at MSH are more knowledgeable :biggrin:

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