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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by AIREAYE

  1. Agree with the comments regarding last-minute purchases. I've sold quite a bit to folks coming in the shop at 855 pm when we close at 9...doesn't bother me one bit cause I love working there :)

    @ ponder : absolutely no problem with window shoppers, as long as (like JR said) they don't go messing up our displays and stuff, just a minor annoyance. IMO though, I hope the window shopper doesn't get annoyed when one or two sales people approach them. Either the SAs didn't communicate to each other that the person was just browsing, or were just there to double check on the customer. Things could change and every person walking in is a potential sale.

  2. Sure, some players are able to do that. Unfortunately, the majority will just tell people to use whatever they use or whatever is "the best". Very few hockey shop employees do a good job evaluating the needs of the customer and actually directing them to the gear that best meets their needs.

    Agreed, but it's still always amusing to hear stories about their past experiences at other stores. Doesn't help that some people insist on Bauer from the get go while avoiding Reebok like the plague just because they've heard 'bad things'.

    Agree with Axxion as well. I've never played contact nor have had a visor nor do I play goalie. That's why for the contact issue I go wityh mid/high level gear that fits and for visors/goal, you defer to your guys that know it better :)

    They could also have those attitudes formed by other retailers' clueless salespeople. Shopping for computers at "big box" stores comes to mind, as just one example.

    I, however, would know better. I've played hockey with at least one Asian in my 57 years.

    LOL was he any good? :biggrin:

    that's why one shouldn't judge a book by its cover...but everyone does to an extent anyways :dry:

  3. Something that amuses me:

    love how some customers find it necessary to ask if I play hockey...

    Well no Sir/Ma'am, otherwise I wouldn't been able to sell you those skates, gloves, elbows, shins, pants, helmet and stick

    ... it's cause I'm asian isn't it? :laugh: doesn't matter if I work at a place called Hockey EXPERTS either hehe :facepalm:

  4. Its cause all I wear is team Finland equipment. I wish it would have been a royal blue or white helmet it would have looked way better. I would like to see you create something that took over two hours to do just to make sure everything was aligned.

    Haters gonna hate bro, great creation btw :) A white shell with blue inserts just won't work as well in my mind

  5. A 17 year old kid was shot four times and rushed to the ER today, just as I was about to go home. I had to rush back into the hospital and prepare for an immediate surgery that lasted just over 6 hours. When we got him he had already died once in the ambulance, but was revived by the paramedics. We were able to stabilize him and successfully finish the surgery in about 6 hours and 15 minutes. The kid is now in stable condition and will soon be able to see his parents. The best part of the entire surgery is telling his family that we were able to bring their son back to life, and he is in good shape. That part of my job never gets old, although it does suck coming home at midnight to an entire family whose asleep.

    Great job bigdmac, we're proud of you :biggrin:

    Just curious though and I apologize if this seems insensitive, but how did you classify him as 'dead' before? Was it just no vitals or did you include brain activity into that as well?

  6. Thanks. My LHS was pretty stunned to see the one-hour recommendation. The person that helped me and I were both under the assumption that 24 hours were needed.

    That's just policy/protocol I think. We'd rather tell you 24 hrs to be completely safe than to be blamed for when things go wrong post-baking had you not taken our advice/we had not given you advice.

  7. Best luck JR, we're all pulling for you.

    Anyone ever get overwhelming feelings of nostalgia, desire, longingness, and loneliness when thinking back to an ex gf? My first, and only, true gf and I broke up years ago (4, yes, years ago) but I've struggled ever since trying to adapt my life in a way where thoughts, feelings, or memories of her and I won't flood my mind and ruin my day. The worst part is facebook, I always see her in photos and she looks happy and shes out having good times and I see her with other guys and, to be honest, it makes me want to put a bullet through my head, but want her back even more at the same time. It's not that I lead a boring or depressing life, I just think the best way to sum it up is that whatever it is I'm doing I always seem to look in the rear view mirror of my brain and imagine how much better it could be.

    We dated when I was a sophomore in college, she was a junior in HS. Sketch, I know. Everything was awesome, but to make a long and really depressing story short I started drinking that year of college and going to parties and made mistakes with other girls. When wind of this comes back around I end up on the curb alone. For two or three years (it might even be four, not sure how I feel about it to this day) I murdered myself internally everyday for breaking someone's heart so badly. For betraying her trust, for the lies that came out of my mouth, everything that comes with hooking up with someone else and then trying to cover your tracks. Even to this day I get violent pains if I sit around and, for lack of a better term, day-dream about how everything fell apart.

    Her and I still live in the same area, except when she goes away to school. There are times we will talk everyday texting, but there are equal times where I will send a text and fret for the rest of the night until I give up and go to bed with all my hopes foregone. It truly is a sad state of affairs some nights. I stalked her so much that I defriended her (sorry to lose anyone not familiar with FB at this point) because I was pissing away my life looking at her profile and seeing pictures that would make me jealous, guys "writing on her wall", etc. etc. Again, sad state of affairs. While that has helped some, it has not changed the longing, the palpable desire to go out and start everything all over again with her.

    Before anyone tabs me as crazy (don't worry because I do already) the girl in question plays the role pretty well. When she is home for the summer we will go out drinking at the bar or her and I will chill at my apartment or one of our mutual friends', things along those lines. So she does give me hope, she does offer me a (albiet small) reason to keep trying. But sometimes I just think she is fishing, ready to catch and release when we get too close.

    I'm twenty-four now. I'm far removed from the sixteen year old boy who dated this girl. But my heart isn't.

    I started playing hockey again almost immediately after the break-up. I spent ten hours a week on the ice working on my game. I've gotten far better than even I thought I would, I used to be a plug in HS. Exceeded expectations in every way. Hockey literally is an escape, I treat it as such because it gives me a sense of superiority, and the more I realize I think many of the people I skate with (pick-up) despise me for it, but it's an outlet of frustration, anger, and self-hatred. Big ups to MSH, I joined the summer after we broke-up, and mining myself into another passion of mine, gear, ice, the sport itself is a seriously welcome respite from everything. I hope everyone knows how much of a solace it is to sign on and see someone quoting me in a thread or responding to a question of mine. It seriously makes me happy.

    The more I've forced myself to look at the situation the more I realize that parts of my emoting aren't under my control. As a Type 1 Diabetic (WOOT!) my emotions can get pretty out of control, especially when my blood-sugar is too high. Having your blood sugar fluctuate can really bring on a roller coaster of emotions, from the highest peaks to the saddest lows. I've decided to keep trying to get better at managing my blood sugars because not only is it important for my day-to-day life, but hopefully, to keep myself from getting to out of control thinking about Janna (yes, I name dropped her).

    When we first broke-up I was so sure that, someday, eventually, we would get back together. I would sit in my parents basement (summer after college) and sulk, but took solace, HEY, she's going to get back with ME. HEY, she loves ME. This thought dies little by little with each passing day, all some-one-thousand of them.

    I still go out, I lead a normal life, I even hit on girls and try and flirt with the ones out of my league, haha. It helps, but whether or not I get their number or what have you, every time my phone text chirps, I take a quarter second before looking because I enjoy the feeling I get, "Maybe this is Janna". I take a breath and look, it's not (it's usually no1 drft pck), and then the process starts all over again.

    Every single bolded line...I went through the same my friend. Don't think posting here is the best idea, but I'll do it anyways.

    You're not alone bud, if anything shoot me a PM and we can talk :)

    I was depressed this year too, I didn't have her and I didn't have hockey. Found out she kept jumping from relationship to relationship with other guys (none of which would ever treat her as well as I did, that much I take solace in) trying to fill a void. I felt used by her, I gave her so much and I felt that she didn't give back anything in return, I was just a plaything to her. I turned to alcohol and self harm.

    After a whole year of no communication (see the problem?) we finally sat down and talked. She told me what I needed to hear, that I was the only person she ever allowed completely into her life, her darkest and deepest. Real and true love at 16 gentlemen? It exists. I found out she almost went through attempted suicide one night after the breakup. I knew that she had some kind of emotional depression in her genetics and I found out from her that she has been going to professional therapy and taking anti-depressants all this time.

    Both of us were really fu**ed up this year, but she more than I. Maybe there will be one day where the guilt becomes too much for me, but ultimately I want her to be happy and I know that once she leaves that house-that-is-not-a-home and goes off to university in the fall, I will be relieved.

    Basically man, I know you have the strength to move on, maybe a change of scenery will help. And from this, also be grateful that she is safe and happy :smile:

    I have an unconventional method for you. Listen to music, it can be therapeutic.

    Please do me a favor and listen to Go Radio :smile:

    Stay strong bro. Chin up cause it's all gonna clear up.

  8. That's not what he's saying Drew, it's about safety; simple as that. Running at a group of crazy rioters shouting 'CHILL THE F*** OUT, THIS IS MY CITY' or even trying to reason with them would only get you a punch to the face or worse yet. They can't do anything about it except to demonstrate after the fact that they are displeased. Look at how many of the garbage collectors are youth. What are they gaining from picking up garbage personally?

    I agree with chippa.

  9. Amazing what you can find there. Bought a pair of Jofa 7500 elbows for my brother, had another member here buy a pair of Leafs colorway Franchises for I think $30 at the same store, you can find older Tacks gear, Jofa/RBK stuff we all love, Tackla, Eagle etcetc

  10. The 2011 CL has a different construction than the 2009. There's also a dual carbon bridge in the blade compared to 1 in the 2009. It's also heavier than the 2009 CL. As for the curve, the A.OVECHKIN is a stock option, not repainted or prostock or whatever; keep in mind too that this new Ovi curve is now equivalent to the Hall and Backstrom.

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