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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by AIREAYE

  1. Hah sorry I misread your previous post. I thought you were referencing the visor version of the CCM Game On Mask, so my question was did you think the visor version of the Game On sits closer than the cage version?
  2. Does the visor version sit closer to the chin and sides of your face compared to the cage version?
  3. Thank you both! Appreciate sharing the thought process because that helps me calibrate my own.
  4. Folks, I finally managed to get my hands on and install the CCM Game On for cages (on my Bauer Profile III) and I suppose I was a bit surprised at how 'open' the bottom and sides are. The mask, although tight against the nose, is not flush against the sides of the face/cheeks like perhaps a conventional non-sport everyday mask. I can see how this would help ventilation and prevent fogging, but I'm having second thoughts on whether or not I'd be comfortable with how 'exposed' the sides and bottom is. I suppose I didn't look super super closely at images of them on models, so I expected the mask to sit flush against the face. Not sure where I'm going with this post other than sharing. Has anyone else felt the same? How did you guys get comfortable? Not looking for debate on the risks, rather if others also noticed the way this mask fits this way.
  5. Fellas, I've been away from this community for a while now since I left the industry, but in my curiosity/search for ways of restarting low impact (i.e. no games, just stick and pucks with minimal amount of other skaters) hockey, I knew there was no better place to turn to first. Thanks everyone and @dkmiller3356 for offering their opinions of these products! Now, I understand CCM also makes a version for half-visors, but like @shoot_the_goalie mentioned, I'm finding it hard to source. Seems like only IceWarehouse has a page for them and they're only taking pre-orders for Nov.15. https://www.inlinewarehouse.com/CCM_Game_On/descpage-CGOMV.html Has anyone been able to find these for sale online? If not, has anyone found a good comparable product that can be used for visors?
  6. Completely agree with althoma1. It would be cool to get even more technical with visuals on the latest gear and older gear. A real repository of info without having to use the search function. Would there be a way to embed the openly accessible customizers on the site? I'm saying MyBauer, Warrior etc. This is a site where people can play around on those as well. A dedicated hockey gear/jerseys/tickets/memorbilia deal thread/section! Like RedFlagDeals in Canada (I think Slickdeals in the US is similar). A place for people to share great deals either in-store or online.

    Warrior Covert QRL

    Stick History (no order): Bauer MX3, Bauer 1X (2015), True A6.0, True XC9, Warrior AK27 SL, Warrior Widow, Bauer Supreme One95, Easton SE16, CCM RBZ Stick Info: INT 70 Flex, W03, +1" Skater: 5'9", 140lbs, winger, rec-level hockey Blade (8/10): I'm not a particularly skilled puckhandler, so the quality of a stick blade, particularly its composition in allowing it to provide responsive puck feel while being able to cushion/cradle the puck is vital to me. From my experience as per Stick History above, I hold the latter day Bauer blades (MX3, 1X) as the benchmark in excelling at those qualities. The blade on the Warrior QRL doesn't reach that benchmark, but it comes respectably close. Puck feel is still responsive in stickhandling and the puck cushioning is satisfactory on tougher passes. The blade is stiff enough and loads enough energy as expected from a top end model. Solid. Shaft/Flex: I'm not the biggest or strongest at 145lbs, so over the years, I've taken to moving from 75/77 flex seniors and into intermediates recently. The 70 flex is ideal for me, but the only personal thing I would've preferred would be slightly larger shaft dimensions. No issues either way. No rating provided given that this is purely personal preference. Stickhandling/receiving passes (8/10): Please see 'Blade' above. Shooting (9.5/10): This the QRL's shining quality and, in my opinion, it is the best low-kick/quick shooting stick on the market by far. Shot loading is effortless, the puck flies off the blade with precision and the shooting qualities are very easy to dial in, especially given my recent stick history in using a mix of different kick points. It's not a perfect 10/10 simply because it doesn't provide the same response on slapshots, which is, of course, completely expected from a pure low-kick stick. Weight/Balance (10/10): Top-notch balance and lightness without it being so blade-light that you forget it's there. Ideal. Durability: No issues, minor paint chips. I don't play hard enough and I'm not tough on my sticks, so I'll omit a rating here. Intangibles: Looks fine, I still prefer the limited edition MacDaddy/Super Dolomite and other retro graphics though! Perhaps in the next Covert iteration? Bring back the Kronik? Chrome Dolomite Spyne? Conclusion: 9/10 A crowning achievement for Warrior. I've tried many of their sticks over the years and I really do think this is their best product by far and one of the best sticks I've ever used. This is my everyday go-to now. Shooting is pure joy. I haven't used this stick for that long but I love it enough to have bought a second in the Super Dolomite colorway.
  8. Is it fair to say that the 68 flex XC9 will feel stiffer than a 65 flex A6.0 for example?
  9. Unusual presence of a 68 flex intermediate offering for the XC9 ACF. Is there a story behind that?
  10. Good holiday haul: Kunlun RedStar (KHL) jersey and U Minnesota Duluth pro CCMs.
  11. Managed to grab tickets for Czech vs USA on the 22nd and North America vs Russia on the 19th. Who's coming to Toronto?
  12. That's not the case, because I tried the price point skates as well which don't have those insoles.
  13. So I tried the 1S skates yesterday, but found that I had to move down a half size (normally am 7.5EE Bauer, currently wear 7EE RBZ) to a 7EE. Has anyone else found that they could drop down half a size? Or could be just me.
  14. I guess that turnaround consultant they hired a couple years ago didn't end up working out.
  15. With respect, that is exactly what was told to retailers when the RBZ came out 2 years ago, yet here we are. If the goal is to align CCM length sizing with Bauer, then is there a reason to adjust Ribcor and Jetspeed upwards at all? They tend to line up already with Bauer close enough...
  16. You've adjusted sizing again? That's ridiculous, considering both the odd choice to adjust the sizing scale for RBZ downwards and now 2016 Tacks upwards? I see absolutely no benefit to anyone from this as there will be much confusion as similar to the RBZs. I'm not usually this critical but who honestly thought this was a good idea?
  17. I've been looking for socks line those for a while to match my Germany jersey!
  18. Nice! Those guys at Raven better be sweating with the PlayRite stuff. 65 flex SR EK60 in a PP92? Fantastic! Check out the weights on those pricepoint EK sticks as well!
  19. Thanks JR. How does the fit of the Pants, Elbows and Shins compare with the RBZ family? The U+ CL family? Open to anyone to answer of course.
  20. Push back? No, my comments are constructive points to help you, that I hope you understand and could address. I'm not immediately throwing out compliments (of which I have many for True, as I was among the first to adopt your first first elite stick pre-release at a tradeshow for retailers a few years back), but rather adopting a challenging stance in hopes you could reply. As a rep, you gave the professional response, which was expected and fine. The only real way to judge would be sales/bookings and whether they meet your sales goals. I hope they do, because the hockey world always needs innovation! I would love to see this adopted far and wide, but at this point, it's wait and see. Not sure if you can answer this, but have there been meaningful discussions to sell the palms on consignment? If I were a retailer, this would be one of the first questions I would ask after learning about the product.
  21. The current pain point when talking about palms comes when a person must choose between one option of spending $50-$90 and then wait however long for them to get back, or purchase new gloves, which could be anything from $50-$200. True's idea with these gloves, once you get past the tremendously commendable aspect of innovation, essentially banks on customers willing to spend money on gloves anticipating whether or not they will need a replacement palm at some point in the future. There's an element of future projection here, which could turn off some, and it's very well researched that we are poor judges of future risks. As a previous poster mentioned, how can that person even be certain a replacement palm will be available for them if they even need them in the future? Would enough people spend $220+ right from the get-go to get a pair+replacement palm? For that price, they could get 2 pairs of high end gloves. One for the present, and another pair for some point in the future where they may wear down the palm.
  22. Well, obviously, hence my opening question of how big they think their market is with them...
  23. Who's your target for these gloves? Surely not competitive youth (rep) teams, as they usually get bulk team orders in team colors, and will outgrow gloves fast enough to dissuade a $180-$240 investment for a pair of gloves on their own dime. Rec players? Men's league guys who want durable palms? I can't imagine many men's league guys wanting to spend $40-$60 on top of their $180 initial investment just to try a different palm. Why would retailers want to devote so much inventory and floorspace to a product that's so specialized and niched? Why not just have retailers carry sample palms?
  24. Palms are definitely innovative! So how would this work in retail? I assume retailers would have samples of the different palms, to order from True if (and only if) a customer requests it? For True to carry stock of 4-5 different palms in 3 sizes each seems like a lot...
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