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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by AIREAYE

  1. Quick first impressions from Play It Again Sports:

    45 cal: very light, great feel in your hands affordable at $150 CDN

    22 cal: light for its price, also feels great in your hands $110 CDN

    12 cal: brick


    Are you referring to the Ballistik models or the new ComBat lineup?

    I am thinking you are referring to the Ballistik. The Combat lineup is an improvement in every model.

    I think its the Ballistik, now that you mentioned it...it DID say COmbat on the shaft somewhere but the big type was Ballistik

  2. Funny thing today at Pro Hockey life.. the shooting system thing was open but without the computers on nor employee's watching over it.. I see some idiots take brand new sticks inside there and rip shots with them and when they were done with it and had a good laugh just puts it back down and leave.. and it was a brand new U+ cl. The employee's didn't even care couple of them just hanging around. What bothers me was even more idiots tried to do the same thing grabbing new stick's off the rack, rushing over and also ripping those shots.. =/

    I dunno about the Vaughn one, but the one here in Heartland is quieter. I only ever shot in there when i was buying a stick, always ended up leaving with one. The guys there didint hve the system on the last time i went but he gave me some great advice.

    The shooting pad at Hockeyexperts here in Sauga is completely unmanned, anyone can go and shoot anything, they dont care...

  3. Crazy Lady : "Can I get my skates sharpened?"

    "Sure. It's a little busy though, so there's a bit of a wait. Your skates will be done at 3:30."

    CL : "Oh. Okay. I come back at 2:30?"

    "No, 3:30"

    *slight delay, she's about to leave, but does a 180 and comes back*

    CL : "Oh. So dey ready at 2:30?"

    "Listen, I'll try to get to them as fast as I can, but it'll be pretty close to 3:30 before I can do them."

    CL : "OK"

    Had she asked for 2:30 on more time, I was going to tell her they'd be done at 7:00. ;)

    (This is the same nutjob that had the balls to ask if goal pads that were 50% off could be discounted any further.) :rolleyes:

    EDIT: And the same nutjob that has never paid for a sharpening. She's got a free sharpening coupon EVERY SINGLE TIME. We advertise in a local minor hockey magazine every month, and she must collect the friggin things. I think we should add "Sorry, not for you Elaine" in small print on those coupons.

    I laugh at everything except the coupons...if you offer them, then why be annoyed that she redeemed them? I suppose you would say that its the same 'nutjob' and thats why you're annoyed...:P

  4. So today, I went to Sportchek to get my skates sharpened. Yes Sportchek was closest to where i live ok? Anyways, I ask a kid for 9/16" and the guy looks at me funny and apparently doesnt know about the 9/16th. So he tells this to the sharpener and the sharpener gives us both looks that suggests we're idiots or something...and he says the 9/16th wont make a difference. Well, I told him I tried 1/2 and 5/8 and want to try 9/16ths...perhaps he's just lazy to change the setting on the machine?

  5. OK... it was SportChek. :) I just think it is wrong for me, a potential customer, to come in there knowing about this stick - thanks to this board as well as my own research, yet being told by an employee in their hockey department that when they went to their training in Toronto, that Bauer was going to release the stick, but decided they were not going to do it. He was trying to sell me a XXV at $89CDN, which I didn't buy anyways. I wasn't up to arguing with the guy, knowing that I was right. I find their product knowledge to not be that great anyways, compared to the more specialized hockey shops in town. I'm sure you can understand my frustration in the way this employee handled it.

    Don't get me started on Sportchek lol... Lets just say that I'm not very happy about the way they work. First of all, as it's been said in another thread, I'm looking for a new Bauer stick to use for when my Bauer XXV breaks. I got it of the classifieds for 90$ when it was still worth 200$ plus taxes around here. Now shopping around on the net from work, which is in Ontario, I find the Bauer XXV for 100$ on their website. Since I like my XXV Malkin but would prefer a P88 Kane, I figure I'll buy a couple at that price and be set for a while. I get home after work and my home is on the Quebec side in Gatineau. Try to access their website and find out that it's not accessible for Quebec residents... WTF?? They direct me to Sportsexperts which is actually worst then Sportchek. So I give the stores in Ottawa a call and they have next to no stock. They have one left in pretty much all of Ottawa and it's not a P88 and not my flex. So back to work the following day, I get online and figure I'll just order the sticks and have them delivered at work in Ontario and take the sticks home on the bus. No big deal. I go through the order process. Click on the Bauer XXV with 87 flex link and proceed to choose LH. It says they have assorted patterns. Cool, I should be able to get the P88 which is very popular or so it seems. Nowhere can I choose the curve pattern. I hit them up with an email, the 3rd one actually. One was a question and they weren't too helpful, the second was a complaint and the third was a question about how to choose curver patterns...

    The answer: You can't choose a curve pattern, you get what we send you. That sucks ass. I guess I could order like 5 and hope to get two P88 in the lot and just bring the 3 others back for a refund but that's another problem. You can send them back to the company for a refund minus shipping or bring them back to the store for a store credit... not too conveniant. So needless to say, my search for an affordable, good stick continues. I love my Bauer XXV. Best stick I ever had even though it's not top of the line, it performs well for me and my limited talent lol... Now I got to research the X:40 as I believe JR said that they were replacing the XXV and if so, then that would mean that they should perform as well or at least similar to the XXV and they are $99.99 at Pro Hockey Life

    The X:40 performs great for its price point, shooting is great, passing is as well, just amazing value.

  6. Everybody has told me to sever ties with my ex girlfriend, and to be quite frank, i cant do that because im still hung up on her, even though she is a total bitch one week, then comes over crying and apologising the next.

    F#$% girls are confusing.

    Take it from a guy who has been in the same situation. RUN! Run as fast and as far away as you can!

    Do you really enjoy the bullshit roller-coaster?

    Exactly, perhaps the next hill will be much bigger and steeper? Do you want to risk that?

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