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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by MrWizard

  1. *drool* They belong to anyone in particular?
  2. I'll second that. Those would look sick when you're in the butterfly...
  3. Hey you'd be surprised.. Guy on my ball hockey team is about that size and uses junior sticks. Can bomb the ball as well as anyone ele....
  4. The 77 flex on there would imply int/senior wouldn't it?
  5. Sweet stick....Where did you score that?
  6. I'll add you in a bit. MrWizard87 That looks awesome...
  7. My team just switched to Caps colours, so I've been scouring ebay pretty much every day to see if any pop up....
  8. I like the Semin gloves myself... http://s618.photobucket.com/albums/tt261/n...nt=100_1985.jpg
  9. Being a Leafs fan, I never thought I'd like anything Habs related, but those Franchises are awesome...
  10. May I ask where you managed to score that? and do they have any right handers?
  11. That Semin curve is lethal...
  12. Is there a *drool* emoticon? I would kill for a RH G500. Everywhere I look is all left handed. I love my Mac Daddy, but if I can buy the exact same stick for cheaper, why not?
  13. I appreciate it so much I hate you... :P Although.. I can now show my girlfriend those pictures when she complains about how many sticks I have (8, although I only rotate through 3). I love the Dolo's and the One90's, what kind of curves do you have on those?
  14. There is something very satisfying about it, that's for sure.....
  15. I kinda hate you right now...
  16. I love the Warrior gloves.. you guys are unreal, how you find deals like that is beyond me...
  17. I posted my name there, but if people are too lazy, or the thread gets bumped, my PSN is MrWizard87. Feel free to add.
  18. I only play in a ball hockey league, hence the less equipment than all of you... Helmet: RBK 6K Visor: Oakley Pro Straight Gloves: Warrior Franchise 14" Narrow Stick: Warrior MacDaddy (85 Flex, Draper), Bauer X40 (77 Flex, Kane), Nike Bauer One95 (85 Flex, Naslund)
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