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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    Bauer Vapor APX
  • Shin Pads
    Bauer Pro
  • Elbow Pads
    Reebok Pro 8K
  • Shoulder Pads
    Jofa 8800
  • Pants
    Reebok 9K 2009
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  1. I went from a 1/2 to 100/50 and it works great for me. So you might try both and see which one you like better.
  2. Finished 2nd season on 100/50 playing C/LW and for me, the edges are better than traditional. FBV edges seem to grab better making it easier to turn with less effort. Local sharpener is only guy I trust. I've got multiple sets of runners that I swap out on the road, so I know what kind of edges I've got.
  3. For what it's worth, pre-FBV I was skating on 1/2" at the beginning of last season and converted to FBV half-way through. I'm comfortable now with either 100/50 Blackstone or X7 Blademaster. Both work well for me and I don't notice much difference playing C/LW. The most important thing for me is to find a shop who's good and consistent. That's why I keep fresh runners in the bag after getting a hatchet job sharpening at a tourney on the road.
  4. Update Helmet: Easton S19, Jofa 480 cage Shoulders: Jofa 8700 Elbows: Rbk Pro 8K Gloves: Bauer One95s Pants: Rbk 9K Core, team issued shells Shins: Bauer Pro Skates: One90s Pro Returns LS2s/Velocity-1st used this season Customer Sidas Sticks: S19-Hall, Bauer- One95 Richards & X60 Backstrom
  5. Updated Gear Helmet - Rbk 8K (new) w/480 chrome Gloves - Bauer One95s (new) Skates - Custom Supreme One90s (made in '06 never been used 7E)fit much better than reg 7Ds Sidas footbeds & swapped in Velocity runners Shoulders - Rbk 10k Pants - Rbk 9K core w/CCM shell (don't like the 9K shell) Elbows - Rbk 8K pros Shins - Bauer Pro Series (new) Sticks - My Bauer P14L
  6. Your eyesight is good, it's an extension.
  7. http://img203.imageshack.us/img203/673/pro...ongloves001.jpg
  8. Went from 1/2" hollow to 100/50 FBV & will never change back The increased glide along with the bite is great More speed and better turning woooohoooo
  9. Helmet: Easton S17 w/cage Shoulders: Rbk 10k Elbows: NB One90s (tape to forearm-slides without) Pants: Graf G700 Shins: Bauer One95s Gloves: Bauer 4-rolls Skates: Vapor XXXXs w/Sidas & Velocitys Sticks: Supreme One95s - P14
  10. Changed XXXX's from stock steel at 1/2" hollow to profiled Velocity's with a 100/50 FBV about three weeks ago (on ice 4-5/wk). The improvement in glide is as advertised and well worth the upgrade.
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