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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About NextBobbyOrr

  • Birthday 10/20/1995


  • Skates
    Rbk 10k
  • Hockey Bag
  • Shin Pads
    Bauer X:Shift
  • Elbow Pads
    Bauer Pro Defender
  • Shoulder Pads
    Jofa 7500
  • Pants
    Rbk 7k
  • Helmet
    Bauer 8500
  • Gloves
    Reebok Bernier 10k's/Warrior Ehrhoff Franchises
  • Stick
    Base Savoy Special, 2xBauer One 95

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    Hockey, Lacrosse, Soccer, Track and Field.
  • Location
    British Columbia
  • Gender

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  1. Arch pain was solved by cutting the red liner, but even after re-molding twice, the heel look isn't as snug as I'd like to be. I doubt that there would be any way that my foot scan was messed up on either the retailer or manufacturer's end (retailer has done over 30 fittings), any suggestions for getting it locked in better? Once I get that done, I'll be truly happy with them. Till then, I still am a little hesitant to give a glowing review.
  2. I've been playing around with the skates more and at the moment am settled with using the stock red+blue insole. Arch pain is minimal though I feel like the heel lock on my right foot could be better (and yes, I have remolded it). Going to keep experimenting with them for a while, once I get the lock dialled in the skates will be near perfect.
  3. Had my first skate with them yesterday. To keep it brief I’ll stick to initial pros and cons: Pros: -Fit really is great. Little to no “break-in-time”, though I’m excited for the boot to soften up a little. -I found the boot had a great amount of forward flex while still remaining stiff. -Very responsive, my footwork (crossovers etc) felt phenomenal. I want to say they felt better than with my previous skates (Super Tacks). ”Cons”: -oddly I felt a bit of arch pain, a little unsure why. I wore them with Superfoot, so time to experiment. -The tongue would shift/move a little during play, I’d want to play with those a little more to get them locked down. I’d barely call the two cons as huge detriments/negatives. The boot definitely felt weird/different to start with, but I think that’d be expected from switching boots again. That said, I’d love suggestions for tackling the arch/tongue issue!
  4. I believe I made a note of it in the order form; I honestly can't remember. It ended up being a little bit more rushed than I would have liked, but we'll just hope for the best!
  5. I actually got really lucky (I think), I ordered them at the start of December (I think the 1st or 2nd). I'm surprised with how fast they came in; perhaps it's because I asked for the holder/steel to not be mounted. I'll definitely start off without them. Just weird to think about honestly, I've been relying on superfeet for nearly three years. Gotta be open about this though!
  6. Just had my True skates come in! Having Tuuks put on them as we speak and I’ll ideally be heat molding them today. Can’t wait to fit them and give my feedback, just undecided between trying the stock True insoles or skipping right to my Superfeet Carbons (I have a brutal pronation).
  7. Something I've been noticing with True skates (I actually just ordered a pair recently) is that it seems like some pairs are being made with an extra "cup" on the heel and some are made without it (see the heel of Sniper9's skates for reference). The trend I THINK I'm seeing is that if you go with a True/Step Holder they put in a 'heel cup'; if you go Tuuks they don't? Can anyone confirm, or perhaps this is more based on your foot shape? You can see on Instagram that most True skates with Tuuks don't have this heel cup. Wondering because I've pulled the trigger on an order but intend to put Tuuks on as soon as I receive them - checking if I need to reach out to True before it gets too late.
  8. Been a seriously long time since I've been active on the site...figured I should start with this. Skates- CCM U+12 Sticks- 2x Beagle CCM U+CL's, 2x Iginla Easton Eq50's(Probably Se16's) Gloves- Tanner Glass Easton EPros, Bernier Rbk 10k's, Johnson Bauer One 95's. Helmet- Easton S19 w/ Chrome Bauer RBEIII cage. Pants- Bauer One95 pants w/Canucks Shell Shoulder Pads- Rbk/Jofa 5k pro stock. Elbow Pads- Rbk/Jofa 7k pro stock. Shin Pads- Rbk 9k/Bauer Vapor Shift(Smu).
  9. Two sweet spots today. 1. My best friend's been at the Coquitlam Express Camp(JrA) all week, texted me this morning that tonight's his first Junior A game. The team's already signed a 16 year old, so he won't be with them the whole season, but he'll be the captain of his Major Midget team the NW Giants. Pretty proud and excited for him, he's come a really long way. 2. Just got my flight schedule for a school program called "Encounters with Canada". A number of students are sent from their various provinces(BC for me), to Ottawa to meet, attend some classes and see the sights together. The majority of the kids are high honor roll students, so I'm still really excited I was even accepted. And I happen to go with 2 of my best friends, which makes it that much more fun.
  10. Been working all summer, hard work pays off. Helmet = Easton S19 w/Bauer Chrome RBE III cage. Shoulders = Jofa 7500 Elbows = Rbk 7k(Jofa style) Pants = Bauer One 95 pants w/Easton Shell Canucks Colors Shins = Rbk 9k Skates = CCM U+12 skates Gloves = Easton Tanner Glass Epros, Rbk San Jose Pro Stock 4-Rolls, Bauer Johnson One 95`s, Rbk 10k Bernier`s. Sticks = 3x Base Savoy Specials.
  11. Actually liking how the APX looks. Show`s a mix of the paintjob, and the weave behind. Nice pickups!
  12. But what do you guys do if one pair "does better" than the other for whatever reason. Even with 3 pairs, I usually ditch the rotation if one of my gloves puts me on a supposed hotstreak.
  13. Whoa I have never seen a 10k garters/jock combo before. Where'd you get it, are they like retail?
  14. I forget if I`m supposed to PM a mod with info first, or if I`m aloud to post regardless. If I was supposed to pm, please forgive my mistake. Anyways, for the Canucks the end of the year sale, is Wednesday the 29th. 10am-8pm. HOWEVER, THERE WILL BE NO EQUIPMENT AT THAT SALE. All the equipment will go to the Canucks outlet store. STARTING JULY 11th. They said it would be a regular store day, none of the STH or Employee treatment kinda thing. However, they might make changes. Anyways, hopefully I get to see some of you guys there.
  15. Embarrassed as well. I`m not sure if you may be aware of this, but apparently a Boston fan was killed, and pushed off an overpass. I`m unsure if this is true, but if it is please do keep his family in your prayers. I`m very lucky that none of my close friends or family were at downtown during the post-game though.
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