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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. O GOD........ so much awesome.
  2. I really like the old Nike Bauer logo.
  3. O yeah thanks. I just called them grip tape forever to remember there was a stretch part to it. So many people use that kind of butt end but I just can't stand it. Instead I shave the inner corner of mine off to be parallel with my palm for more comfort and responsiveness. Here's something
  4. Tub'ers UNITE! http://i562.photobucket.com/albums/ss68/yellowt/d8ea0c34.jpg
  5. What's this stretch tape? I've tried searching for tackimac but I just can't find something I can mod to my liking. I shave the top inner corner of the stick down to be parallel with my palm. I was just very pleasantly surprised that the top of the glove, or your backhand, held up so well. Usually in full contact hockey and even in non contact, after a year or two, you can see tons of marks on that bauer logo and letters, colours get rubbed off etc. Overall I love those pics. Love sticking with what works.
  6. The leather held up so well? None contact hockey?
  7. Hours after: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-14265952
  8. Oh man. those are great. Their knee caps are so much more durable than current rbk gear. If only that jofa was a 15 eh?
  9. I quote Keanu Reeves, "WOAH".
  10. Question, do we all know at least one person in our extended pool of friends who is like that? I know I have at least one whom no one trust with their car.
  11. Just don't vent out like this guy: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2b9a3_businessman-has-meltdown-in-hotel-l_fun
  12. I don't understand. That graf looks amazing with lightspeeds on. It's not like other grafs that look like something the green goblin would wear.
  13. Oh snap. Old school. I used to snap Tflex but kept using them.
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