I am an asthmatic who made the unfortunate decision to start smoking when I was 18, and smoked a pack a day for the better part of 15 years. I also had a desk job, so when my metabolism caught up to me in my late 20's, I gained a fair amount of weight. I was so horribly out of shape that it was pretty pathetic (then again, it's commonplace in society anymore). It was always easiest to just go on about my life doing the things I enjoyed, and I truly enjoyed smoking and being fairly lazy. Last November I caught the flu, which made it's way into my lungs. It put me in the hospital, where I stayed for 2 days. There wasn't much the doctors could do for me, and I literally could not walk the 5 feet to the bathroom without being completely out of breath. It was scary. The hospital discharged me early and just gave me medication, and told me to stay off my feet for 3-5 days. I've now been smoke free for almost 14 months (haven't had one since I left the hospital). I've started working out routinely, and am dropping about 2 pounds per week via exercise and a reasonable diet. 30 more to hit my ideal weight of 195 (I'm 6'4"). I feel the best that I have since high school in the mid 90's. So anyway, I played tonight for the first time in 20 years. Most of the guys there were at least 2 levels above my ability, but they were really cool about it. Of course I had no legs so I was pretty brutal, but it was a lot of fun nonetheless. I played a few years of Peewee and Bantam as a kid, so it's not entirely new. Can't wait to start mens league in 2 weeks. It was my intention to do this (all of it) 7 years ago. Glad I finally pulled the trigger.