Find the equipment and go to a pick up session...that's what I did in January and I'm one of the better goalies in our league (I turn 25 later this week too). First off, you're crazy for trying...but then again you have to be a bit crazy to play the position so maybe you're onto something. It's a tough position to get into, considering the costs. I had a good way in because the weekly ball hockey game I was playing in needed a second full time goalie so I bought the cheapest gear I could find and played...poorly at first. For ice though, I have no clue what's the best way but if you access to the gear, just play every practice, pick up session, fill in game you can and you'll get better. Obviously try first, before you commit to anything crazy. I have friends who thought goalie was easy and came out of the game crying that it was too difficult and haven't looked back. If you play and think it's for you, definitely go out and find a goalie class to take. I took 4 sessions with a great goalie and he thought me the basics, properly so I don't make fundamental mistakes and it really does help.