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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    X:60 Pro Stock
  • Hockey Bag
    South Shore Kings Bag
  • Shin Pads
    Warrior Hitman 15" (GREAT)
  • Elbow Pads
    Bauer One 10 (lower grade the better)
  • Shoulder Pads
    Bauer XXV
  • Pants
    One 95 Girdle and black bauer shell
  • Helmet
    Bauer Medium Black 4500 w/ RBE III Cage (black)
  • Gloves
    Black Bauer 4 Rolls 13"`
  • Stick
    X:60 Stick 'Um 77 Flex P92

Profile Information

  • Interests
  • Location
    Rhode Island
  • Gender
  1. Just picked up a Kovalchuk pro stock DD. Pretty nice shot, coming from a P92. Really boxy. Flex is a 95. He shaves the heel which is weird, I really wana know why. Probably to keep the toe hook from getting in the way when cupping the puck.
  2. There's a bunch on Ebay.
  3. Just came in the mail today. Jofa 5044 Pro Stock Elbow Pads Size 6.
  4. I feel like the laces would get in the way or tangled up in the jersey at times, no?
  5. That's a sick jersey. I know a kid who has the blue one of the EXACT same team... You probably stole the idea from him ;)
  6. New Bauer Concept II Shield, bunch of boys on the team are rockin it this season
  7. Picked up the twigs today. P92 77 Flex No Grip Righties
  8. haha It was just this random team that some coach wanted me to play for. I have no clue what a Hibernian is.
  9. Some photos from the Boston Challenge Tournament in Marlboro, MA
  10. Great looking practice jerseys. You didn't do the whole raffle thing for ovechkin's stuff did you? That's an Eric Fehr clone, eh?
  11. Quick vid of my setup this season http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4fP-INS1Cw
  12. Bauer Pro 4 Rolls Black 13" Fit - Very Nice fit, Tight on the fingers, loose on the wrist and cuff. Perfect for mobile hands. I had the one95's before this glove, it ended up being too tight, so i ditched them and picked up a pair of 4 rolls. 10/10 Weight - They really aren't "heavy", I can't even notice them on my hands, they are the perfect glove in my opinion, I've never really used "light" gloves, except for eagles i guess back in the day. But the do still feel good enough not to say they are obnoxious 9/10 Mobility - Great, the flex lock thumb is the reason i won't use any other brand, the mobility in your thumb is the best feeling in the world while stick handling. No strain on the cuffs either, great glove. 10/10 Break-in - Took just about one practice to get into the glove. 10/10 Protection - Nice, bulky, good looking gloves come at a price. This is why they are on the heavy side, very protective, been slashed countless times and have felt nothing. 10/10 Durability - I've used my gloves for two season and there are no holes or stresses in the palm at all. 10/10 Intangibles - Love these things, very cheap for a top of the line Bauer glove. Wouldn't trade em for the world. 10/10 Conclusion - Cheap, GREAT style, protective, freedom of mobility. Best gloves. Final Score: 10/10
  13. Idk why my post was deleted.... But.. Helmet: Bauer Black Medium 4500 w/ Black RBE III Cage (also have a White CCM FM 480) Bauer Navy Medium 4500 w/ Black Tinted Itech Straight Visor Shoulder: Bauer XXV Elbow: Bauer One 10 (lower the grade the better for elbows) Gloves: Medium Black Bauer 4 Rolls 13" Pants: Bauer One 95 Girdle w/ Black Bauer Shell Shins: Warrior Hitman 15" Skates: Bauer X:60 Pro Stock, custom white felt tongue (flop it babay) Sticks: Bauer Vapor X:60 77 Flex P92 Grip Bauer Vapor X:60 87 Flex P92 Non-grip Nike Bauer id One95 77 Flex P92 Grip
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