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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by JSK81

  1. They're finally here and they're awesome!
  2. That's truly a ridiculous curve. Good for you if you can use it properly, I tend to shoot too high even with a closed curve.
  3. I've played _way_ above the level I thought I was at on my teams last two ice times . I've deked defenders, scored from breakaways and most importantly, created scoring chances by myself. It's been a huge confidence boost and really makes me enjoy playing hockey.
  4. Doesn't say but feels like my 85flex widow.
  5. The curve is actually milder than a Gionta, but it has more loft. I'd say it's right between the Warrior Versteeg pro and the slovak.
  6. Found myself a pro stock S19 with a pretty toe curve!
  7. Reebok 11k shins. I had 6k's which were great, but I won a raffle and got to choose a free Reebok protective, nice! The removable calf pads are quite hefty, haven't used them.
  8. I really like the way they look, it was pretty close I didn't buy a pair for myself too. Just gotta keep reminding myself I have a pair of franchises coming...
  9. Got Koncepts for my gf... and a Widow for me! Yay!
  10. Warrior Diablo, 75flex, Gionta. Nice...
  11. Hey what's the deal with the swedish flag? As a finn I have to ask
  12. Yeah, they're retail but europe only.
  13. Here's the protective stuff I've gathered recently: X60 shoulder pads Totalone elbow pads RBK 10k jock/garter combo Kovy ripoff franchises Tackla EXPP55 pants
  14. From the Tackla shop; I live in Finland.
  15. Brand new Tackla EX PP 55 pants in dark blue!
  16. Just got these!
  17. Just got these out from customs... Warrior Bully Maine
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