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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Thanks, JoshV. If I measure the runner from tip to tip it's more like 240mm. Are the runners measured differently, like, between mounting points? I am going to call around and find out exactly. UPDATE: Found the runner: CCM Proformance profile junior runner, 221mm. Now just need to find the best price...
  2. yes, the holders are e-pro. thanks! can't seem to find the steel anywhere, though...
  3. hopefully, this is the right place to ask this. Looking for a replacement steel for Reebok 5ks (size 2) for my son. Should be easy to replace as DIY or should I just go to a local hockey store to get it done?
  4. aren't you the person who is asking $275 for a pair of 7k elbows on ebay?
  5. That was a silly question... Anyone on here, if came across such a find at a nice price, would hoard the lot for the exact reason...
  6. Nothing too exciting but interesting enough... Walked into a sports store, made my way to the hockey corner and saw these: Brand new and they were very inexpensive... Compared the protection to my current shin pads and it appears to be unmatched. Even the plastic itself is thicker, yet, they are pretty light.
  7. just ordered the bunga pads... saw some in person the other day at a pickup game - the guy swore by them.
  8. I should look into using bunga pads or similar since I have developed Haglund's deformity on both feet wearing Bauer Vapors. luckily, mine do not hurt at all but still the back of my stumps look weird...
  9. exactly why I end up wearing the shorts that have velcro on the pant area... in terms of a fit: I took a shot into the groin area this week and everyone on the ice cringed but me: I did not feel a thing. definitely a nice cup to wear on your jewels.
  10. this is a very poignant question/statement. Reebok marketing department must know something we don't even suspect... 10k jock is definitely a much better option. it just was not available where I was.
  11. Eastern Europe, to be precise ;-) From what I was told these are not available this side of the big pond...
  12. Got my sole new pair of Easton gloves, Vasyunov spec. Fairly happy with them with exception for a slight flaw in the left palm stitching: after just one skate the stitching started to come loose. Trying to reach out to PSHG folks to address this to no avail. Nonetheless, sharing the mitts here...
  13. Picked this groin protector up while in Europe. Best fit ever!
  14. ^ is that a beer in your cup holder? Nice stick, btw.
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