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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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nyquil last won the day on March 6 2020

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  1. I emailed the Sabres back in April and never heard back. All the pro stocks pant websites have the old boring navy pants. I'm sure if there was an equipment sale it happened a month or two ago.
  2. Thanks for all your replies guys. I'm pulling the trigger soon on HP45X or HPUCLX.
  3. So would the HP45s and HP70s be better in your opinion?
  4. Anyone experience wearing the CCM HPTKs and how the run as far as sizing and protection? Now that I’m 41 it’s time to up the protection of my pants.
  5. They did have a very mild odor. It wasn’t a sweat odor more a neglected in a basement for a decade odor. Soaked them in oxyclean and washed in the washing machine. Now they are part of my high tech drying system.
  6. Brand freaking new at PIAS.
  7. I don’t know how people play without chest protection or a full cage. I’m not a pro. No one is paying me if I get injured and can’t work.
  8. Helmet: Bauer IMS 9.0 with a Jofa cage I bought in 2001. Shoulders: CCM Super Tacks Elbows: CCM AS1 Tacks Shins: Bauer S190 Pants: CCM Supra 420 Skates: CCM 9070 Tacks Gloves: CCM 852 Super Tacks
  9. This. I have huge calves and almost got the CCM Super Tacks shin guards since they are the bulkier traditional fit. I went to the store and they didn’t fit. I tried the Bater S190 which had a different fit profile, anatomical. Those fit me beautifully.
  10. Got these today, can't wait to play in them: The discounted Tacks gear is flying off online sites, better get it now if you want it.
  11. Helmet: Bauer 9.0 IMS with a cage Elbows: CCM 7092 Tacks Shoulders: Bauer 8000 Defender (from 13 year ago, will be grabbing Super Tacks when the price drops when CCM's new Tacks line launches) Shins: Sherwood 5030 Gloves: Sherwood BMP 120 Skates: CCM 9070 Tacks Pants: CCM 420 Supra Sticks: Sherwood 5030 wood Coffey
  12. I honestly don't know why whoever owns Cooper (Bauer?) or other glove manufacturers don't offer a black diamond type pattern for one of their gloves. It may not outsell basic black or team colors but it would do well with older players. Don't need to come up with a new gloves, just a fabric pattern.
  13. Did you get it used or new?
  14. Bought these on ebay to mess around in. They appear minimally used. I'll give them a soak and an air dry (unless my research on old leather reveals something else) at some point this weekend. Holy hell these leather gloves are going to require a lot of time if I ever want to break them in.
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