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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About boldfacecole

  • Birthday 10/02/1995


  • Skates
    Bauer apx 4.0
  • Shin Pads
    easton s7
  • Shoulder Pads
    Reebok 4k
  • Pants
  • Helmet
  • Gloves
    CCM 452s
  • Stick
    Warrior Dolo 10' Kovalchuck, Easton S19 drury, Pro Stock Zach Bogosian X:60

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    Watching hockey, playing hockey, talking about hockey..pretty muchg anything hockey. Playing xbox..hangin out. and playing guitar
  • Location
    woodstock, GA
  • Gender

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  1. Eric Godard RS arrived yesterday pretty stoked. Trying to upload a picture but doesn't seem to be working. Probably user malfunction haha!
  2. First goal..ever today:) best feeling ever...i think yes
  3. noo! Sorry if the wording made it seem like it was a semi-hollow body avenge. I meant for it to read that im looking to buy a semi hollow body. Sorry!
  4. Can't post a picture but i have a BC Rich Avenge with Completely re-done internals and custom Seymour Duncan Pickup. Would be willing to get rid of it if anyone was interested looking to buy a Semi-Hollow body:)
  5. You my friend are one lucky son of a gun!:)
  6. Well that pisses me off...i figured they would do something like that..or build a big bonfire with it and laugh at us...
  7. hmmph..maybe this is why the selection wasn't so great..i never really could wrap my head around why they had to take all the equipment anyways..i mean i can understand maybe some of the players wanting to keep some skates, sticks etc..but seems like they took every last thing they could get there grubby little hands on. I mean its not like they can use any of the thrashers colored stuff anyways..but oh well past is the past! Man, i'm gonna miss those boys so much more when the season starts up again..
  8. first fall ball lax game today didnt score a goal but i did lay this one kid out as he was turning around after getting a groundball...damn that felt good:) haha
  9. haha yeah i figured it wouldnt be an rs..just you know wishful thinking i guess?..and hmmph well i honestly have know idea what it might be.
  10. Any idea what the easton you got may be? RS by anychance ;)
  11. WOAHHH!! what!?? some guy told me that the m11 was 100$!!! dangit!!! i needed a new helmet..if i had known helmets were only $40 i would have bought one..they had no pants in my size whic was upsetting as well..well im sure i did but i really did feel like digging through all the other ones
  12. prices at the thrashers sale were fairly reasonable...but nothing to amazing Although you could get a used stick for around $50 and some of them were barely used plus if youre a lefty...well lets just say you could get about any stick you wanted..and this was my first ever pro sale..and to be honest it wasnt much of one compared to others im sure but still it was fun! always good to spend money on more equipment than you will ever need:)
  13. Wow then you got to see everything..hah were there a lot of righties when you were there because i was lucky to get one i believe i got one of the last ones! Yeah there were a lot of gloves without a match it was extremely disappointing:( oh i saw that bryan little glove as well..looked like a dog had gotten to it! There were a bunch of matches in eastons that i found and they all had "klelle" or something like that and i had no idea who that was..his name was also on a bunch of one95 shafts that had one of the strangest grip coatings ive felt before..
  14. Man you got a great haul!...i wonder if i saw you there..i got there right at 12..so not sure but anyways..i saw that creeper as well and it killed me that i couldnt find a match too! Did you see that one warrior glove wanna say it was a franchise but anyways had the most messed up cuff i think i'veever seen..like the entire thing was cut off..and the only thing i picked up was a bogosian X:60.
  15. thanks man!:) and aww lucky! haha i was supposed to go see ADTR on warped when it was in ATL but sadly their show was at like noon and it was the second day of school..and i bet it was a dangerous mass of shifting sweat bodies and feet but im sure it was all worth every second!!
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