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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Alright these old skates have carried my cheap self around for a few years, and tonight the chasis broke: Any chance I could weld these? Bauer x400r (specs claim steel chasis) Assuming the answer is no, what do I need to know about current products? I'm shocked by how high the prices all seem to be. I loved my mission axiom t8 fit, lately all the roller hockey skates I've tried seem narrow at the toes. On ice I currently have Reebok 14k if that tells you anything about my feet.
  2. I just bought the FMT ONE and have a question. The adjustment for rocking motion is in the hex key between the wheels: but when I turn that I'm not noticing tightening on the bolt, and the rocking seems to stay constant. When turning the hex key I notice the top part rotates as well, here's a closeup: do I need to hold that top metal piece with a narrow wrench to actually adjust the rocking?
  3. Yep, a Widow and Diablo. I just used some typical paint... I think its always gonna chip off anyway. The top of the blade is tape.
  4. Got the new sticks ready for the new season! Hooray for end of year stick sales... I see black, the goalie sees white =)
  5. Drew I totally agree with your post, but I thought it was funny that you said considering your avatar =)
  6. It's sad to see that 5-10% of people who want to cause trouble are only subdued by police, and that the 90-95% of people don't step in and say "Stop, this is our city!" The pack mentality is strange.
  7. Cool stuff, I'm a fan of ESP too! I've got three of the MH series. I also recently picked up an 8 string to try out something new. Vids can be found here if you'd like to see them in action: http://www.youtube.com/user/RHRHRH101010 I really don't need all three of the ESPs if someone would like to take one off my hands =)
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