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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

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  1. What's up with Giroux. Seems he still all Bauer but stx gloves. Would he still be a bauer sponsored athlete ?
  2. Hockey bag fell out of my truck. Lost the whole set. pretty bummed and new set is not going to be near as nice on a college budget.
  3. lie 5.5 , went to a pick up hockey seession last night. felt okay still need to add a 2 inch plug , coming form an apx , well give better review after more use
  4. bought an htx today , grip e3 75 flex
  5. Byufiglien's skates seem like there a tad like supremes if i am to guess
  6. lol yes thats what i meant
  7. what the steelheads are not keeping that colorway
  8. got some ccm cs shins
  9. id love to but im not sure how to go about uploading them from a blackberry
  10. got some more gongshow swag and apx gloves, i wanted the apx pro's but i got 30 percent off theese
  11. thanks for the info jsk i well give them a call to see what else is an upcharge
  12. it does not say if there is an extra charge for that kind of stuff
  13. so if i order through pshg and get lots of add ons like hossa cuff pro pack is that included or an add on to price ?
  14. its the nhl do they care what happens after the twig snaps
  15. picked up a pegiuns pro stock one95 say duppy on name plate
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