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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Blade The blade has held up pretty well through a lot of abuse. There is orange paint on the bottom and a lot of it is still there, surprisingly, but the paint on the top is starting to chip. This is mostly aesthetics, but could be something to note. Overall: 8.5/10 Shaft/Flex The shaft is boxy but a bit rounded at the same time. I guess the best way to describe it is an octogonal shape, but it doesn't have corners, if that makes sense. I got the grip version, which feels pretty good but my hand slides down while taking a shot sometimes - could be technique. It comes at 64" but it should be cut down to 61" to get the correct flex and getting it down to normal people height. Even when you cut it down three inches, it plays about five "points" down from where it says it is (The number I cut it down to was a 100, it feels like a 95). Overall: 9/10 Stickhandling/receiving passes I have stone hands, so I'm not going to pretend like I'm Pavel Datsyuk, but I can't quite feel the puck on my stick very well when dribbling. When I do get out of my comfort zone and try to make a move, the shaft vibrates a bit more, but still not quite what I'm expecting (this might be due to me being used to using wood blades). When I cup a pass, it has a nice feel. Overall: 7/10 Shooting This is a little hard to explain, but I can flex the stick forever and it won't come out as fast as everybody is expecting. I can load up on a slapper and the puck will travel as fast according to how much I load up, but not the same for wristers. Overall: 4.5/10 Weight and balance The stick is around 550 grams without weighing it, but it's so well balanced that it doesn't feel heavier than 450. Overall: 8/10 Durability This is how Eastn markets the stick and it doesn't lie. I take a heavy amount of abuse in the game but you wouldn't be able to tell by looking at the stick. It has a few paint chips down at the "ankle" of the stick (near where the fuse point would be), but I haven't noticed any chips in the stick itself. Overall: 11/10 Intangibles The stick doesn't look bad. It may not look like the RS (which I think looks cool, but that's just me), but it doesn't look like human excrement. Overall: 7/10 Conclusion While the Easton SyNergy ST '11 model doesn't have *amazing* features and it isn't -20 grams, it will take a beating and last around the life of two top-end sticks will. It's on the clearance racks right now and will be around $105, so it's a great deal. Overall: It's really unfair to compare, so I'll break it into two pieces. Performance: 7/10 Cost-effectiveness: 10/10
  2. Last November, my Nike-Bauer 5500 helmet developed a crack after taking an elbow to the temple (actually it was on the other side where my head hit the boards) so I had to find a new lid. I settled on the 5k after doing a little research Fit: The 5k comes in three sizes, large, medium, and small like most helmets. There is a "FITCLIP" adjustment system for length, which you can pop up and move the two shells, for lack of a better term. Unlike the upper models of the xK series, the 5K does not have a width adjustment system. As long as you choose the right helmet size, this should not be a huge killer, though. Score: 7/10 Protection There isn't really a way to test the protection of a helmet without asking someone to nail you in the head a few times and I'd rather not do that. Score: N/A Weight While I was trying on helmets, the lightest one I tried on was the 7K (I even tried on the 11K, but I wasn't going to drop $200 on a helmet if there is an equally protective helmet for under $100). The 5K helmet isn't quite as light as a lot of the high-end helmets, but it isn't extraordinarily heavy. Score: 6/10 Durability I have had the helmet for nine months or so, not a long enough time to really test its durability, but I took a slapper off the back of the head in stick and puck and didn't notice a dent, crack, or even a scratch. I did notice the "FITCLIP"s moving up by themselves a few times which could result in quite a few issues during a collision. Score: 6.5/10 Intangibles This could fit under the "comfort" category, but a problem I have with the helmet is the lack of air flow. Reebok advertises "max vents for maximum air flow," but I can feel myself heating up more in this helmet than any other I've owned (including goalie masks). As a result, the decreased flow causes me to sweat more. The chin strap "hooks" have a tendency to break, and I've gone through two of them already. Score: 4/10 Conclusion The Reebok 5k helmet may not be the best helmet there is, but it's a great option if you're looking for a lower-priced helmet that will still offer good protection. Score: 6/10
  3. My twig 5k helmet Supreme One60 shins hanging out, liners removed (in wash) Easton Synergy ST4 shoulders, X20 skates that I'm looking to replace Easton classic elbows, Koho revolution mitts These pants are so old I forget what they are
  4. My neighbor just got back from the hospital after being injured during a fight at a football game (he was a security guard, the fight was between two parents; you gotta love how the parents are more into it than the kids)
  5. Helmet: Nike Bauer (ugh, Nike Bauer) 8500, decent ventilation, great cage Elbows: Ones that have had their brand names torn off due to overuse Pants: Easton HP 2000, nice and lightweight for the protection that they provide, but they're certainly hard to clean. Shins: Bauer Supreme One60, not enough protection on the calf from my experience, but they're really good otherwise Skates: X:40s Gloves: Koho Pro Revolution or Revolution Pro or something gay like that Stick: I use a wood stick that's been with me for at least two years. For my backup I have a composite, but I just like the feel of Mr. Splinters out there.
  6. I'll get a few pictures whenever that kid who takes pictures decides to give them to me
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