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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. I highly doubt it. They only do custom for the current top of the line skates except in a case where you wanted a vapor x90. They would order you a v cut nexus 7000 but what you're asking for is kind of off the chart and no it's not going to be for $100 more than retail. You're going to pay $950 no matter what you order from Bauer custom.
  2. These are the CCM U+ PRO RELOADED Pro Stocks with Tuuk Edge 288s. Skate size is 8.5 d/a and they were made for Wes Walz of the Tampa Bay Lightning. I bought them new and umassembled. 2 skates and two bakes. So far so good.
  3. If they Ribcor is similar but updated enough with the new holder and steel Im interested. I WOULD HOPE that considering the 20k is the 11k with new graphics and tendon guard that they would make these Ribcors better than the past. Im scared to spend what's probably going to be $750.00 for a skate seeing how the 11k and 20k had a tendency to buckle at the eyelets
  4. I would like to know if the Ribcor Skates are all new or just a 20k with a new holder and look...
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