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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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    Anything with a wicked toe

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  1. I believe it was around $800 for 12, but I got hooked up on the price. I know thats a ton to drop on blades, but to me its totally worth it. I have looked and messed with a ton of patterns and have never been truly happy with any of them. To have a pattern that I personally put the touches on and is exactly what I want was worth the money to me.
  2. It was a Havlat pattern that I sent in to be mirrored to RH. Not an exact mirror, and I am very glad because this is way better than what I sent. The pictures don't really do it justice. This is the exact pattern I mentioned. This is my dream pattern and am so happy to have it now. edit - any idea how to get the actual pictures to show up? not sure which link to copy into text box
  3. Got these in a couple of weeks ago. Just got around to taking a picture of them. Custom tapered Reebok blades ordered through PSHG. I originally ordered the Sher-Wood T90's, but Sher-Wood isn't doing any more customs right now. PSHG hooked me up with 12 customs from Reebok. Couldn't be happier with these. Exactly what I wanted, and the feel is amazing.
  4. Skates - Bauer One100 Sticks - Warrior Dolo, Warrior Kronik, Warrior AK (shafts) w/ custom blades Gloves - Black Tufftek MIA's branded RBK's Helmet - CCM V08 Pants - Bauer X60 girdle Shoulder Pads - Jofa chest, CCM bicept, Sher-Wood caps (good ol' franken pads) Elbow Pads - TPS/Jofa hybrid (Jofa bicept guard, TPS cap, Jofa straps) Shin Pads - CCM 552 Tacks
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