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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About rausch27

  • Birthday 08/24/1989

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  1. where can i get a pair of those bauers?
  2. where do you buy them this cheap?
  3. do you get a good deal on them or do you buy them at retail price?
  4. i go to a lot of 'canes games so i see him a lot, hes a great skater but Bure is the greatest skater of my time IMO
  5. would you ever be selling it?
  6. i actually just traded with one of my friends... ill try to ask him where he got it
  7. We aren't oh crap. my bad i was just skimming
  8. how are you guys forgetting about Irbe.....he has the most beat up pads in the league
  9. blues 91, where are you from?
  10. HELMET - Bauer 5000 w/ a 5000 cage SHOULDER- Bauer Vapor ELBOW/ SHIN- Jofa PANT- CCM tacks with a tps shell SKATES - Bauer vapor V and Bauer Supreme 3000
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