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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by L.F.O.D.

  1. Vader Gloves!! To bad i also need a 13.
  2. UPDATE Helmet: Reebok 6k WH/SIL Visor: Oakley strait cut Gloves: Retail WARRIOR Bonafide 13" Shins: CCM U+ Stick: Warrior Bently, Reebok Ai5 P87A 65grip Pants:Bauer One 40 Elbow:Bauer One 40 Skates: Skates CCM U+ 04 Shoulder:Bauer One 40
  3. Retail Warrior Bonafide 13". Not bad for $80.00
  4. Ahhhh sorry, Im a older guy not in the "know" i guess. LOL..
  5. Forgive me for not knowing. What is IW ?
  6. Im looking to order a new pair of gloves. Wich site would you guys recomend that i use for a custom pair of warriors?
  7. Good to hear you are ok. Glad you are back in the game. love the skates.
  8. LOL yup thats the stuff. It was just as bad in the late 80's early 90's.
  9. Can you still lacquer a toe like we did when i was a kid?
  10. Thanks my man. Most of the kids at the rink think graf only makes skates. Makes me feel way way to old. lol...
  11. I have small hands. I think im going to try some 13" narrows. But we will see.
  12. Helmet: Reebok 6k Visor: Oakley strait cut Gloves: Graf Europa 300, Retail WARRIOR Bonafide 13" Shins: CCM U+ Stick: Warrior Bently, Reebok Ai5 Pants:Bauer One 40 Elbow:Bauer One 40 Skates: Skates CCM U+ 04 Shoulder:Bauer One 40
  13. I got these on my 15th birthday. Im 33 now. lol..
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