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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Drewhunz

  1. Is your time really that valuable that you won't use that as an opportunity to inform and educate a customer? An attitude like that would make me walk away, willing to buy or not.
  2. I was there till the bitter end. Just went to have a quick talk with Sudsy after the game. You enjoy my argument with the rednecks behind me?
  3. Already spoken for before I bought them.
  4. Drury/Sakic and some Modano pro thrown in.
  5. Only if you admit you have a problem ;)
  6. You need standard? If so, I can get the remainder of Norstroms in Synergy II and Salmings in XX Stiff. Just let me know.
  7. Nope, have 150+ sitting in the closet.
  8. Todays haul: From top to bottom TPS Response Lite: Modano Pro Easton S17: Richards Pro Easton A/C 7100 Easton Classic aluminum Bauer Tri Flex Gold 2x Mission Flyweight Biogirth 2x Easton Z-Bubble specials 2x Warrior Dolomite Tapered 3x Easton Grip Lite
  9. I assume its from Kevin Smiths, since thats the only place in burlington that sells hockey equipment other than dicks, did they have any one95's in the 100$ without warranty? Also, do you remeber if they had a good selection in the 100$ non warranty section, I'm think of going down there soon. Nothing in the non-warranty for one95's because their entire stock has the warranty stickers. I didn't really get a good look at the 100 section. Nothing really jumped out to me. They definitely have a good stock of the one95's though. Just because there is a warranty sticker does not mean it is honored by the factory. If they are claiming as such, I'd get it in writing just in case.
  10. Those are for Easton themselves. Thus why shops use a separate barcode.
  11. CGI- The Chinese Olympic committee needed something else to do. ;)
  12. At least you didn't have a puck go straight through the kneecap.
  13. No pain or anything. Took the shot, heard a louder than usual noise upon contact, but did't experience any pain. Was only when I was undressing in the locker room that I noticed a piece of my kneecap was missing. No pain, and not even a briuse.
  14. Nope, hand pass. Fosho it was a slapper by a former NHL'er.
  15. You not notice the HOLE in the middle?
  16. Time to go get the old Jofas from storage.
  17. Took a puck to the knee during practice last night:
  18. Why in fucks name did you quote a picture DIRECTLY above yours?
  19. Looks like a catapult grip.
  20. All but 1 pair of the reds.
  21. Apparently you don't "get it". ;)
  22. Because I found 2 pair.
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