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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

DeI 18

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Everything posted by DeI 18

  1. very nice... i wonder how long that will last hope it lasts for a while. i used it tonight for the first time and i love the stick, not a bad pick up for a 100$. I had the exact same stick, and it lasted much longer than I expected, something like 6 months...
  2. ^^Can you shoot both ways?
  3. ^^Nice SL Sven, I got one that looks just like it :o Pro stock and everything
  4. whats with the tuuk logo? its like that on the lightspeed1 and 2s I think jbyun was refering to the white mark in the middle of the red portion of the holder...
  5. Time for an update... Helmet: Bauer 5000 Shoulder pads: Easton Extreme Elbow pads: Easton Extreme Gloves: Eagle x80; Sande Max980 Pants: RBK 6K Shins: RBK 6K Skates: RBK 5K Pump; CCM 852 Sticks: Easton Synergy SL Grip(Prostock Clymer), CCM Vector 130C (Bonk), Easton Synergy Si-Core (Modano), broken Mission M-1 with a Synthesis blade (Sakic), Bauer Vapor V
  6. Yes I do. The gloves are great, thanks alot Superman (Always wanted to say that BTW, thanks for that to, I guess :lol: )
  7. Probably goat skin Yeah, I think it's goat, but I'm not sure.
  8. Just bought these off of Superman847 B)
  9. Stick update, I added the Clymer SL and took pictures of the curves
  10. Is that Bubble on the left repaired?
  11. Just bought a Clymer pro-stock SL grip, I'll get pics of it later. Just curious, but does anyone know if Clymer uses just a regular SL, or one of those SL Si-Cores? I have to get over to the gearwhores thread now...
  12. UR STILL using those sande's i sold you looooon gtime ago?? hows the palm holding up? Yeah, for the time being. I'm probably going to get a pair of Eagles soon though. I haven't even gotten the Sandes repalmed :lol: sniper14: Like jasper did, I used Krylon Frusion
  13. Thanks guys, I must say I'm pretty proud of those skates. :D
  14. It's about time I got around to snapping a few pics of my stuff, here it is... And devilsrule, thanks for the help, bro. Yeah, I know, they're pretty sick ;)
  15. Heyy GH_ID, your PM box is full. I got a question for you. Please get back to me...
  16. those are the 06 Synergy 800's so these white skates that robitaille has are a synergy variant? new model? I believe he's talking about Marc Savard's skates...
  17. The new ones are red ;)
  18. What Tps stick is that? Intrigue...Control? Not sure though...
  19. Or Protec Toe like whbd18 did to his XN10s ;)
  20. :o Is that a Gretz helmet? ;) Also, are aggressive inline chassis on those rollers?
  21. Apparently they will be sometime soon.
  22. Briggy, lovin those Pink Floyd pants. They totally rock :)
  23. UPDATE: Sticks: Mission Pro L2 w/ Easton Synthesis blade, TPS Response XN10 w/ hybrid Synthesis blade.
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