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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About Super_Newfie

  • Birthday 07/17/1978


  • Skates
    Bauer Vapor X:30
  • Hockey Bag
    CCM Vector 02 duffle bag
  • Shin Pads
    Warrior Franchise 2011
  • Elbow Pads
    Warrior Projekt 2011
  • Shoulder Pads
    Easton S1
  • Pants
    Warrior Projekt 2012
  • Helmet
    Bauer 4500
  • Gloves
    Warrior Projekt 2011
  • Stick
    Warrior DT4 Kovalchuk;Reebox Ai9

Profile Information

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  • Gender

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  1. Ran the Ottawa Race Weekend 10k on Saturday May 25th and was hoping for 55:00 min or better time. Did 54:22.3 which is personal best for me. Now to start training for the Army Run 1/2 marathon in September,
  2. I bought my snowblower new 5 years ago and have done oil changes and used the fuel stabilizer every year but I still had to dismantle and clean the entire carb and replace the spark plug this year. I appreciate all the time I spent with my dad working on skidoos and snowblowers, it has saved me a bunch of money.
  3. Picked up an iPad mini on launch day last week. I was travelling and just happened by a Future Shop that had some 32GB black models left. I'm extremely impressed so far with the form factor and weight.
  4. I was asked to play on our company hockey team as regular. It's a great team that I have spared for in the past. It will be the highest level of hockey I have played. Very excited to see my game improve and to play with good friends.
  5. 6-3 loss in the opening game of the season. I figure it can only get better from here and the beer was cold at the end either way.
  6. Corporate hockey league starts next Monday, pick up next Thursday and shinny next Friday. Going to be a busy week of hockey but with summer hockey over and the running I've been doing I think it's going to be a great start.
  7. Found put today that me 10 year old Australian Shepard dog has a tumor on his right elbow. It's grown from nothing to a golf ball lump in about 2 months. Only things we can do are amputation and chemo, but it will probably be back in a few months anyway if it's that aggressive. Trying to figure out how to tell my 4 year old that his dog won't be coming home after the next vet visit. Update: Had the dog put down last night. I think it's the hardest thing I've ever done. Told my son and I think the biggest hurdle will be the concept of forever for him. He kept holding out his hands and saying "Joey will be home in this many?".
  8. Ottawa Senators sale Saturday June 2 10am-4pm. Scotiabank Place Gate 1 http://senators.nhl.com/club/page.htm?id=64363
  9. 2011-2012 General Dynamics Canada Hockey League Champs. I'm second from the right in the back row. The girl on our team was the first girl to be on a championship team. That being said there are only 3 girls out of about 100 players in the league.
  10. 2nd time in here today. Just got back from the vet and was told my dog needs some dental work done. Rough quote is $620 - $1100 for the procedures. Not looking forward to paying that bill at all.
  11. No Monday night hockey! Have to wait until September for the league to start up again.
  12. Yeah I work at GDC Ottawa but on Calgary programs. Sent you a PM with a bit more detail.
  13. Won our corporate league championship last night. 4-0, and everyone on the team had a great game. We finished the regular season in 2nd and beat the 7th, 3rd and 1st place teams to win the championship. Team photo to follow.
  14. Won our semi-final playoff game last night against another top team. Finals next Monday where we WILL win the championship.
  15. Warrior Projekt Gloves. Bought today for 62% off retail at LSH. Can't wait to try them at shinny tomorrow.
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