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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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sammyg_16 last won the day on June 7 2013

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2 Neutral

About sammyg_16

  • Birthday 08/28/1998


  • Skates
    Bauer vapor x60s
  • Hockey Bag
  • Shin Pads
    Bauer one60s
  • Elbow Pads
    Bauer one60s
  • Shoulder Pads
    Bauer one60s
  • Pants
    Bauer x60
  • Helmet
    Bauer 9900
  • Gloves
    Bauer 4-roll pros
  • Stick
    Warrior Widow se/Bauer x7.0

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  • Location
    Toronto, Ontario
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  1. The pictures aren't the best (screenshots from a video) but fortunately the outsole is silver where the holder is supposed to go and you can see how it peeks out on either side when I apply pressure on either side. Fortunately, I have a buddy who works at a skate shop who took them in today; he was saying the skates should be fine for now with new rivets. (also mentioned the toe cap is a bit loose which could be unrelated). I'm getting the done for free so I'm not too worried if it's only a temporary solution. I'm back on the ice tomorrow so I'll update once I skate on them.
  2. Hey, thanks for the insight. Pardon my ignorance but what do you mean by "holder channels"? Are you talking about the slot where you insert the blade? The actual blades are still secure in the holder so I'm not sure if that's the issue.
  3. Noticed after a skate that the holder on my right skate was loose, but it only has movement going side to side, you can't pull the holder away from the outsole of the boot. Now, there are 6 rivets loose on the forefoot that I can tell, but I'm wondering if the issue is being caused by the sockets holding the rivets being stretched/worn out. I had a bunch of rivets redone a few month ago so it seems odd that I would need to redo them again so soon. These are Bauer Vapor X shift pros which I bought in late 2016 so I wouldn't be surprised if they've worn out on me.
  4. Thinking of getting this girdle as it's on sale at Sportchek (plus I'd really like to try a girdle out). I've been wearing large nexus 800 pants for years now and bought them when I thought I would still be growing haha and while they fit "fine" I think I want to go down to a medium because the legs are a touch long and I really have to tighten the belt to have it sit the way I like on my waist. I noticed some people were saying the tacks fits a little smaller so I'm wondering if a medium in these would be too small? I'm 5"10 165 with a 30 inch waist.
  5. This is the first non-cateye mask that I think looks really nice, great shirt btw
  6. Hi, I've been skating on new x900 skates for the past few weeks now and I've been experiencing a pain in my arch where they almost feel "stretched out". Would the carbons help with this issue? I believe I have a mid arch
  7. looks like he painted the bottom halves of a widow and a diablo. Looks sweet!
  8. JR, how exactly has the E3 been "reshaped"? Did they make it more of a toe curve?
  9. Damn, I was looking forward to the R800. Any word on why it was scrapped?
  10. Skates: Bauer X:60s Sticks: Warrior Widow 70 flex kopitar, Bauer X7.0 87 flex backstrom, warrior ak27 shaft w/ ak27 blade kovalev Gloves: Bauer 4roll pros and Bauer Nexus 800 Helmet: Bauer 9900 Pants: Pro Stock Bauer Supremes Shoulders: Bauer one60 Elbows: Bauer one60 Shins: Bauer one60
  11. Those are absolutely gorgeous gloves!! Love the buffalo thirds colourway
  12. Can you post a pic of the Apx gloves?
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