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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About LakeshoreHockeyArenaWNY

  • Birthday 01/01/1980


  • Skates
    Nike/Bauer One95 Pro Stock 7+3/4 EE
  • Hockey Bag
    Easton Team Bag
  • Shin Pads
    Graf 500
  • Elbow Pads
    Graf 500
  • Pants
    Tackla Pro
  • Helmet
    NBH 4500
  • Gloves
    Eagle PPF+
  • Stick
    Reebok 11k

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    Ice Hockey, Gear, Pro Stock Equipment, Skate Sharpeners, Tools, Liquidating Old Gear.
  • Location
    Rochester, NY
  • Gender

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  1. pre-injury. come back with mako2 stick, 7500 cage, and shoulder pads that are worth a damn
  2. i would highly advise against all copper... i've seen some bad things on skates done this way. usually the inconsistent pressure/impact applied to mushroom the rivet, which causes the holder to pull the steel, which would be described as bent steel (when really the holder is just pulling it out of alignment). also whoever said about the wrong size holes is absolutely correct. i've had to replace copper rivets on the fly in old skates that had huge diameter copper rivets, and they'd always come out in a little while no matter how well they were put in. If i were going to keep my makos i'd want to put +1 size ls2's on em, but sadly i think i'm going to get rid of em in their stock form.
  3. i think they'd have better resale value unsharpened and unbaked... with 3 other sets of skates and coming back from a bad injury, i dont want to be trying something completely different ya know?
  4. i think what it would be in a lower version would be a more traditional boot but jazzed up, thus eliminating what makes it a mako. probably a wayyyy bigger difference than say an nxg down to a one100 or something. i just got a pair of makos and unsure if they're going to fit me, they definitely are gearing towards zero extra volume. i use EE in bauer and got 8EE in these... theyre a very narrow running skate.
  5. We use the Blackstone FBV as an option at our pro shop. Being I've always used traditional ROH either 1/2 or 7/16, the only thing close I liked in the FBV was 100/75. Nothing felt like it had the same bite, but it definitely felt good when skating, especially tight turns. It felt the sharpening did not last as long as ROH, and just didnt seem worth the switch. I also didnt like the feeling of when youre standing waiting for a faceoff, it feels like you have no edge at times. It definitely takes wayyyy less time to sharpen any FBV, which is nice as someone that sharpens hundreds of pairs a year, haha.
  6. I've got a pair incoming this week from Easton, and have been chomping at the bit to try these out. Any issues with these being on the narrow side? I use EE Bauers, and went with 8EE in the Makos.
  7. Helmet: Bauer 4500/Oakley Pro Straight Clear Shoulders: NBH One 90 Skates: NBH One95 NJD Pro Return 7.75EE/B / 8EE/B +1 size Lightspeed Holders Gloves: Non-marked return Warrior Franchise, Eagle PPF, NBH 4 Roll Elbows: Graf 500 Shins: Graf 500 / Sherwood T90 Pants: Tackla Pro Stick: Easton Mako II / Sherwood T90
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