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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Beleafer

  1. Most team sales sell everything really cheap, so people go to them and buy lots of stuff and then resell. Girdles probably cost him under $50 a piece and you can resell for $100-$200 depending on condition.
  2. Gotta rock the white tape on that :).
  3. Am I able to remove the 80mm wheels and replace with 78mm wheels? Just have an extra pair and would like to occasionally use the skates outside. k well I did it so I guess I answered my own question. Is there anything wrong with doing this though? No damage can be done right?
  4. CA5s came in the mail. Fit alright out of the box, can't wait to bake em.
  5. Just ordered some CA5 skates. Wondering if I can bake them at home or would going to a shop be a better idea.
  6. How much would I be potentially spending to do a conversion myself? Just a mid-end job, doesn't need to be straight top of the line gear.
  7. What were they thinking naming their gear 'PRO STOCK'? That is just brutal.
  8. Helmet: CCM v08 with CCM FM480 Cage Shoulders: RBK 6K Elbows: Bauer Supreme Classic EP Gloves: Warrior Luxe Pants: Easton 19 Shins: Some old itechs Skates: Bauer Supreme Elite (I believe they are a cross between the one.6 and the one.7) Sticks: Reebok Ai9 Grip + Easton ST Grip
  9. Helmet: Easton S13 with Bauer RBE III Cage Shoulders: RBK 6K Elbows: Bauer Supreme Classic EP Gloves: Warrior Luxe Pants: Easton 19 Shins: Some old itechs Skates: Bauer Supreme Elite (I believe they are a cross between the one.6 and the one.7) Sticks: Easton ST Grip 85 flex Iginla curve.
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