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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About MC6694

  • Birthday 03/27/1988


  • Skates
    '11 Total One
  • Hockey Bag
    Old Koho bag
  • Shin Pads
    Bauer Supreme one60
  • Elbow Pads
    Bauer Supreme one60
  • Shoulder Pads
    Bauer Supreme one60
  • Pants
    Easton EQ 30
  • Helmet
    Reebok 8K
  • Gloves
    Combat 52cal
  • Stick
    Team USA APX

Profile Information

  • Spambot control
  • Interests
    Hockey, Basketball, Lacrosse, Muscle cars, Reading military history, video games, beer!
  • Location
    North Carolina
  • Gender
  1. Super cool. I know a kid who played in Dubai. Super cool that they play over there.
  2. gotcha, I was thinking of the Ultra then I guess.
  3. Maybe I am wrong but doesn't the outsole on retail g75's look the same as your CF outsole? Obviously you got rid of the stripe and etc but the material looks the same to me...?
  4. Washington Capitals sale July 13th at Kettler Capitals Iceplex. Starting at 8am for season ticket holders.
  5. Dude how do you get all this pro stock gear! So envious!
  6. Currently wearing/using Skates: Bauer Total One Helmet: Reebok 8K w/ Bauer visor Shoulders: Bauer supreme one60 Elbows: Reebok 8K Gloves: Sherwood T90 Undercover Pants: Bauer supreme one80's Shins: Bauer supreme one60 Sticks: Pro Stock Kovy, Team USA APX, Sherwood T90
  7. Bought it off my friend he told me which model stick it was but I can't remember and I haven't looked up the flex numbers or shaft and blade weights yet as I am still at work and the stick is in my car. Also picked up a T90 off the same friend. He got the Kovalchuk from TSR back when they had some. Edit: Pictures added
  8. Picked up a Kovalchuk pro stock stick today. Don't know much about it yet and no pic yet as I got it during lunch break.
  9. I understand and can relate you what you are saying. I also feel as though I get more power out of my stride and can turn tighter.
  10. They are Total Ones. I honestly don't think the break in was that bad. I didn't bake them at all and have really had no problems so far at all. I find them very comfortable. That is just my experience though. It is going to be different for each person. I do feel like I have so much more control on the ice compared to my previous skates.
  11. Just got these. Skated in them this morning so far I love them Uploaded with ImageShack.us
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