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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About habsfan87

  • Birthday 08/07/1987


  • Skates
    NikeBauer Supreme one65
  • Hockey Bag
    black one
  • Shin Pads
    sher wood classics
  • Elbow Pads
    sher wood classics
  • Shoulder Pads
    sher wood classics
  • Pants
    tackla 951's
  • Helmet
    5500, pro straight
  • Gloves
    Vapor XXX
  • Stick
    Easton Stealth 999, Warrior Dolomite tapered w/ XXXX wood blade, some ST's with woodies

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Hockey and BMX
  • Location
    St. Thomas ON
  • Gender

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  1. mack, that is a delicious stash of old easton shafts...couldn't beat an ultralite/grip in it's day
  2. I know a guy that only uses one glove, damn good hockey player too, beat my ass anyday...its the right hand too you should give him a call lol jk
  3. wow the 70's look even better, thats how the whole supreme lineup should look imo...nice job
  4. I have the same feelings about my one65's, amazing skate I just don't care for all the silver and whatnot, wish I could have gotten the one95 look just didnt feel like paying that much
  5. damn those are sexy gloves, I need some xxx's
  6. those are some beauts tho
  7. 5500 with oakley pro straight sherwood classic shoulders, shins and elbows tackla 951 pants - new today 4-rolls canada colors one65 skates - new today 2 ST grip shafts 85 (cut ops) with wood blades, 1 standard 1 tapered Dolomite grip shaft 85 with wood xxxx blade stealth 999 grip 85 - new today, gift card and wanted to try a lower flex all have pm9/modano/forsberg curves
  8. thats a damn nice lookin stick, did you get that at copps from the bulldogs?
  9. i thought they were inno's repainted...which would be similar to a dolomite as well i guess, they're at my local hockeyworld for 69bux, Ida picked one up but they only had 3 lefts vs about 20 righties. JR, I see your names on those mitts, when did you get those gloves done for yourself? look a couple years old.
  10. nice pick up, have the same pair myself
  11. yeah as well as the genesis I remember the red RTM(?) blades and they weren't anything too fantastic either.
  12. woah green ultralites, i miss those things...hope u have some blades
  13. nice chrome man, id put that easton on my wall for safe keepings tho for sure.
  14. I saw a couple prostock versions of that skate at the local hockeyworld and it really tempted me.
  15. I had those same skates a couple years ago, I wish I knew where they went. Parents bought them for 5 bux at a yard sale and they served me well in the backyard rink. If you convert them, throw those holders on a pair of newer skates, Nice pick up
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