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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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stevenmeier last won the day on May 24 2013

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4 Neutral

About stevenmeier

  • Birthday 01/26/1979


  • Skates
    Bauer Supreme One8, Bauer Supreme One80
  • Hockey Bag
    Bauer Premium Wheeled Bag
  • Shin Pads
    Reebok 18K
  • Elbow Pads
    RBK 5K
  • Shoulder Pads
    CCM U+ CL,
  • Pants
    Bauer Vapor APX
  • Helmet
    Bauer HH2100 + Re-Akt Cage
  • Gloves
    Bauer Vapor X:60 Pro, Bauer Vapor APX Pro
  • Stick
    Bauer Vapor APX SE, Bauer Vapor 1X SE

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  • Interests
    Hiking, Ice Hockey, Acoustic Guitar, Photography
  • Location
    Berlin, Germany
  • Gender

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  1. got these beauties on monday :)
  2. IMS Helmets look really really ugly NXG pants might be interesting though (if durability hasn't decreased)
  3. I do know a shop in Italy that still has T-Flex shafts, might not be the same model though http://www.bignami.it/en/archery-crossbows/prodotti-en/?cat0=320&cat1=003&cat2=AV6&idProdotto=580152#0 love those, hope to get a pair of these next season! Btw what is the difference between the 9000 and the 9000z?
  4. things I got over the past few weeks when I started playing again
  5. Helmet: Bauer 2100 with Re-Akt Cage - helmet fits perfect and protects very well Shoulders: RBK 6K Fitlite, CCM U+ CL - RBK: most comfortable pads with great protection, however bad ventilation CCM: extremely light, stay dry, good ventilation, very protective (can get chilly when sitting on a bench at outdoor rinks) Elbow: RBK 5K - do the job, love the design Gloves: Vapor X:60 Pro - all around just a great glove, better looking than the APX Pro (smaller logo etc.) Pants: Bauer Vapor APX - great mobility, liner already started fraying after two skates Shins: Jofa 8K - great protection, best design ever, bit on the heavy and bulky side though Skates: Bauer Supreme One 80 - great skate, awful design (grey/brownish outer uagh!) Bauer Supreme One.7 Sticks: Bauer Supreme TotalOne SE, Reebok 20K (Pro Stock), - the Original TO is my favourite Stick Bauer Supreme TotalOne NXG SE Pretty much happy and set for now
  6. I played hockey in the mid 90s as a teenager and I'm about to start playing again. You can't imagine how happy I was to find a store that was still selling old Easton sticks. It will also allow me to try out some "new" curves. Curves from left to right: Zubrus, Ciccarelli, Sakic, Yzerman
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