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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Hey guys, I found these blades on Sideline for a great price and decided to give them a try. Checked out the hollow conversion chart and called my local sharpening guy and asked if he had a 1 inch hollow (1/2 inch regular). He did but was a little surprised at the ask. Anyways had them sharpened at 1 inch. It wasn’t easy for him though, toughest thing was ensuring level edges with a non modified quick square ( traditional quick square). Anyways he tried real hard and asked if I would have my back ups handy on the bench just in case, which I would. So I played a game on them an hour later. A few things first. I’m 41 and play 3 times a week, strong level hockey. Over the years I have tried every skate boot on the market (2s pros, MX3s, Makos, Reeboks, CCMs, VH etc...) and every skate blade (rocketrunners, Fusion, LS4, LS5, Step.. Blackedge, etc...). These blades absolutely blew me away. No BS. I have never skated so fast and with so much ease. It was like I had a secret weapon vs the guys. I was almost laughing. I felt like “ just get me the puck and I’m gone”. As other guys mentioned in prior posts, I was a little out of control at first because of how fast I was going ! But then I got used to the extra control that you also have. It’s really nuts ! As another person mentioned earlier they didn’t feel as sharp as my regular 1/2 inch, but once you trust them and corner hard, the grip is completely there. It’s takes a little time to get used to but after 25 minutes I was good to go. The acceleration and top end speed is really crazy. I’m a pretty tough critic on new hockey tech, but this is the real deal. All of the guys were mentioning how fast and well I was skating versus other nights. Very excited with this find. I may even buy the Flare modified quick square to provide to my skate sharpener (lol). The only thing I want know is to make sure they are being sharpened correctly each time. That’s the only potential weakeness I see with the blade; that people buy them and they are incorrectly sharpened and they have a bad experience and never try them again. Perhaps a simple online video tutorial for sharpeners ? I actually showed my guy the website and read him the sharpening instructions before he sharpened them. So this is really an amazing blade and use of technology. I’m really perplexed as to why these haven’t exploded onto the market ? Kind of like parabolic skis did. Wait, maybe I don’t want other guys having these blades.... I’ve read through the thread but wondering If anyone has newer feedback or tips/tricks on having them optimally sharpened ? Thanks !
  2. It was heels spurs. Even with gel pads on.
  3. Hi,. I'm very interested in VH as well,. But very curious to see if the Super Tacks is on the same level of different performance vs traditional skates. Meaning like the mako and VH. There are no VH dealers in Quebec and I can get a pair of Super Tacks at a killer price. I have MX3s now and the performance is not as good as the makos, but the makos kill my feet. So so looking for mako performance and MX3 comfort. Hoping the Super Tack is that..... thanks
  4. Hey guys, Really interested in these skates. Hoping to get feedback from anyone who wore Makos in the past. I wore makos but stopped because they were killing me feet. In MX3's now and no pain but also way less performance. Honestly, Mako performance is night and day vs traditional skates. So really intereted In hearing feedback from those who have tried makos and are now in Super Tacks. Thanks ! Chris
  5. Hi, I use the red ones (large) in my MX-3s. Love them and can never go back to not using them. Eliminates negative space in the toe bed.
  6. Hey Guys, I was the member who PM'd syinx. Syinx, thank you for such a great reply ! Very appreciated. So here is my dilemma: I have tried all of the "traditional skates" over the past 2 years; Bauer NXG's, Reebok 11 and 20k's, RBZ's, etc... in search of the perfect skates. I though I had it with the 11k's = no pain and great performance. Then I tried the Makos. Wow. The performance was incredible. Like going from a honda accord to a Ferrari. The only problem is that they started to cause great pain to my feet. (let me first state that I have completely flat feet). I was able to punch out a few hot spots, but the main problem is heel pain in the form of haglund bumps. (Bauer bumps, heel spurs, whatever). I couldn't give up the performance of the makos, so I put bunga gel pads on each foot. Felt good while skating, but the pain would come after the game, And even worse the day after. The makos were literally destroying my feet, even with thick gel pads. I was getting red swollen bumps on each heel. My thought was that the makos are so forward pitched and my feet so flat, that it was the holder making my feet uneven in the skates. So when skating, on the balls of my feet, my heel is raised and rubbing the back of the boot. ( my own hypothesis, I could be wrong). I had to recently go back to my trusted 11k's ( bought a new pair for $200 from ebay). No pain whatsoever but limited performance vs what I know I can do in the Makos. So I found VH skates in my quest to merge Mako performance with no pain comfort. The problem is, how do I know that I will not get the same heel pain/Spurs that I get from the makos ? I love the forward pitch, but I can't risk spending $1000 and have the same problem as the makos. Can anyone shed some light as to why I am getting heel spurs from the makos ? They fit perfectly length wise, I mean my toes are right up against the cap (perfect for me). If I put a CXN holder on the VH, wouldn't I have the same pain as the makos (if my hypothesis above is correct) ? My 11k's have e-pros, which I thought were forward pitched, but I have zero pain. I've searched the posts, but I've never read of anyone with makos having heel pain/spurs problems with them. Any insight you guys might have is greatly appreciated. I think I may e-mail VH direct with the info above and see what Scott thinks. Thanks Chris
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