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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

All Torhs Team

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  • Interests
    roller and ice hockey<br />lacrosse on side with poker
  • Location
    Never Land Island

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  1. brand new recently purchased ice hockey girdle - black nylon with pads to go under my shell. left them in the garage next to random stuff the dog got busted the door into the garage and tore them up pads out and everything i was looking forward very much to noticing how much lighter I mightve felt on the ice with this purchase instead my dog left me a nice mess to clean instead
  2. How much was he charged? Cant you get charged in some leagues for fighting? And if you do that much damage, Id imagine that there would be some sort of lawsuit. But thats just me thinking, whats the story behind it?
  3. Yea it was kinda stupid to be playing white vs. white. But being the first game, we wernt prepared and didnt have dark jerseys. It was fine though. The shoulders were orange vs. blue.
  4. I love where the goalie stick ends up towards the end Yea he was crazy cause with 14 seconds left in the game I got a goal to tie it up. So he goes by and elbows us when we are doing the..you know..hugging thing. I have a video of that one too, but the goal isnt as pretty so I didnt show you guys. :P Then the game winner with 6 seconds left - he throws his stick.
  5. Newest for me. video, winning goal with 6 seconds left in game :) http://myspacetv.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=...ideoid=20221184
  6. #44, are you wearing any shoulder pads?
  7. I found this artist -- Flipsyde. Anyone heard of him before? I think hes got a few good tracks. Angel specifically. He has some other really stupid songs though.
  8. I'm likin the baby blue jerseys more then anything.
  9. $30,000? Correct? To me that is alot for a car. Sure its not the most expensive you can get but I thought most people spend about $8000-$18000 on cars?
  10. Maybe its just me but it still seems like a pretty high prices vehicle. I wouldnt complain if I had to drive one. Being 16 or not.
  11. Youve gotta be shitting me. You remind me alot of the member Roostingmx
  12. Just got an upgrade for Xmas. Went from an 90 Olds. 98 Touring Sedan to a 96 Grand Prix.
  13. that is a great glove, i purchased a pair similar to those on ebay. if the auction has a "make an offer" option, go $70-$80 US, that would probably do it Be sure to get a quote on shipping before you commit- I was looking at a pair, and shipment to the US was close to 40 bucks. $40? Why? Assuming he is from Canada, how is it $40? I ship stuff to Canada all the time and the most its ever been is $15. Is it more coming out of Canada then going into?
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