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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. I don’t even have TRUE skates, I’m just asking in general should I go that route and want to consider swapping holders. When I’ve needed to do it in the past due to a broken holder, it’s never seemed to be quite the same quality as the job done initially. The rivets that have been placed were always the same type as the originals. Due to so many issues, I’ve often had some replaced with copper or had extra coppers added. I’d prefer if I do have holders swapped on a pair of TRUEs that I won’t be bothered by such issues.
  2. For those who have swapped holders, have the new holders stayed in place well? In my limited experience, the few times I’ve had a new holder put on, it’s never seemed to be as secure. I want to know if that is a common problem or if it’s primarily a matter of who is attaching the holder and how well it is being done. I ask this in general but also as it pertains to VH/TRUE.
  3. Thanks for mansplaining, NOW I get it
  4. Can you still send in whatever holder/steel you want for them to attach or does this mean you must use the TRUE/STEP holder?
  5. Asked about full custom CCM skates today at LHS, was told CCM will not send boots only to have any holder mounted, instead requiring their holder. Is there truth to this statement?
  6. Asked about custom TRUE skates today at LHS, was told TRUE will put TUUK holders on by request, but everything I’ve read here would suggest that’s not reality. Can you or anyone else confirm or deny this statement?
  7. Interesting, must’ve been taken down, understandably so I suppose.
  8. What is this talk of Generation 4? Is the current skate then considered Generation 3? Perhaps it’s exclusive to goalie skates?
  9. Please forgive my ignorance, approximately when will the RBZ protective line start showing up at retail?
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