I'm not convinced Skatemate is confused, I find it hard to believe they got the design all the way to production without someone realizing the mistake. Instead, I think it's marketing double-talk to hide the truth about their product: its nothing more than a glorified hand hone that stones both sides of the blade at once, & does effectivly nothing inside the hollow. I wonder if they found out early in the design that if they tried to match the radius of the hollow, it often did more harm than good. Either because it was too complicated to design something that tightly kept it perfectly centered for the slightly different thickness blades, or maybe it wiped out the high side edge in un-evenly sharpened blades. Not to mention what would happen if someone had a deeper hollow than they thought. So they took the easy way out & designed something that would seem to work as advertised, but actually never really gets close to the edges within the hollow. So nobody ends up with a worse edge than they started with. Then when someone caught on & questioned it, they let the marketing department handle the answer. Or maybe your right & I'm just giving them too much credit.