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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Thockey17

  1. Roller hockey here :D Helmet: ProStock Bauer 4000/5000 hybrid type deal-Used it for about a year, and this thing fits like a stretch-fit baseball cap. Amazingly comfortable.l Elbow Pads: V12's-Best fitting elbow pad ever. Shin Pads: Nike V10-Didnt like the non-elastic strap, so i cut it off. Very comfortable and protective. Shoulders: None, but if i need to wear them, i throw on a Tour moisture wicking/foam padded shirt Inline pants: Mission Injections, Mission d1's, Eagles, and many others. I stick with mission due mostly to sponsorship reasons, and have no compaints. Gloves: Eagle Special Edition X70 Goatskin.I have never put a better glove on my hands. Custom Pink Eagle X70's with split fingers for S&G's. Split Fingers are the way to go. Mission M1's-yellow. And hopefully some Heliums when the become availbile. Skates: S500 boot, RS alloy, SE Blue Dynasty's, MOC-9 airride bearings. I had XX's on alloy's and seriously think that the s500's are lighter. MOC9-Airride bearings are superlight and spin forever with the right lubrication :) Mission D2c and V12's sitting around somewhere. Had one complaint with the D2c's and the very nice people over @ mission got my back on track. Sticks: Basically everything on the market except for the vectors. I use a RP Stealth, 3 parrish si-cores, RLXn10/PTC all in rotation.
  2. A stitch shop will do a fine job with the gloves. I had my name put on the honeycomb weave of the special edition x70's, and it came out amazing. $5 too.
  3. usually you can order different materials
  4. my pink x80's should be here anyday now. I cant wait to go to my first practice wearing pink gloves. I should be getting some negative attention :lol:
  5. i got dibs when you get tired of them! B)
  6. awww c'mon Guess ill just have to wait for my pink/purple eagles to come. They're taking forever :(
  7. i'd definately be in on a group order helium. Whats the MSRP on those babies?
  8. tu, tuo, two, 2!!!!! You know what would be sick? If you got the MSH logo stitched into the cuff of the gloves. Our lacrosse team gets out logos stitched in, and they look amazing.
  9. Gucci concept anybody? (opens photoshop :) )
  10. ahaha i see. My concepts were pretty hideous. :D
  11. Its lighter and dries faster Its a group order, and there was a minimum of 30 pairs.
  12. it would be gray. I doubt they can get a metallic look on/in nylon
  13. The second sandes(blue/silver) are theo's gloves right? They definately look top notch. Good choice :)
  14. 239.99 CAD= 182.215 USD http://hockeymonkey.com/curcon.html
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