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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Has anyone been using the carbonlite blades without breaking them yet ? I skate a couple times a week in top tier beer leagues ha . Wondering how long they'll last ..
  2. Yeah very similar here on the trigger position , nice to know it's not just me lol . Yeah so I tried different steels (all bauer) just to see , and it does affect how far the trigger comes back out once snapped in . So seems to be dependent on that in this case. Nothing is a big difference talking minuscule mm's but enough to notice . My ls5's which have a season or so got the mushiest click of the bunch in the beginning . Was given a pair of the carbonlite steel but afraid to use them with all the breakage stories. Table ornament for now. May just roll with the pulse ti steel time being.
  3. After putting some weight on them with the blades in , its greatly improved to a crisper click. I think it's going to work out . Going to skate on them this week , so stay tuned lol.
  4. Thanks for info. Yeah I am getting the click , wasn't at first . Has gotten better after trying it a few times. Still not perfect, but will get some time in them and keep an eye on it .
  5. Interesting , sorry to go off ccm topic. Came from supreme's with no issue and found ultrasonic's in fit 1 & 2 to have no heel lock for me . Had to switch to hyperlite's go figure . Tried on a few AS ccm models & found them very stiff as mentioned above.
  6. Hey guys , wondering if anyone else has ran into this with tuuk's . As I think it's passable ,but wondering how common this is . Skates are bauer hyperlite's, bought new and opted for no steel with them (used ls5 carbon steel I already had) . On one skate I had a very hard time getting the rear of the steel to click in the second lock click phase . Finally with a little massaging & wd40 I got it to click in . No movement with the bauer tool once clicked in. However I did take notice that the trigger does not return to it's original position as the other skate does (varies better & worse depending on the steel I try). It's not a huge difference but enough to make note of . Can still see part of the semi circle mark on the trigger - once the steel is in but slightly less then the other skate. Hoping they'll settle in and its not a big deal. Would rather not deal with the warranty/down time if I dont have to .
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