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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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chapel last won the day on October 21 2014

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Community Reputation

20 Good

About chapel

  • Birthday 07/24/1981


  • Skates
    Bauer Nexus 800, Custom Supreme 2000 (1990), Supreme Power 1000 (1997)
  • Shin Pads
    Easton Synergy EQ50
  • Shoulder Pads
    CCM CrazyStrong
  • Pants
    Combat MF 52 Caliber
  • Helmet
    Easton Stealth S19
  • Gloves
    Bauer Vapor X:20
  • Stick
    Easton H4799 + Ultralite

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  • Location
    Salem MA
  • Gender

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  1. Yeah, Sherwood makes some fine ass sticks
  2. Nexus 800 skates. Super comfy
  3. I need to get a drying rack. Buy or build?
  4. decided to 'de-lawyer' one of my UltraLites Here's my lawyered up UltraLite: here's my de-lawyered one and where it all went: any other good ways to get the text off a stick? was thinking of getting this all down to just the shiny paint.
  5. It's certainly difficult to do during a public skate... I do it sometimes. put on shinpads and my ref girdle... no stick... POSSIBLY my helmet... and then go skate HARD. the biggest issue with a public skate is that it's normally all in the same direction. you've got about ~570' of ice to skate if you stick to the boards. say 550' assuming you're 5' off the boards. a mile is 5280'. here's my circuit training regiment for stamina and power: 5 laps at 75% throttle rest for 2 minutes 10 laps at 60% throttle rest for 3 minutes 5 laps at near full throttle rest for 5 minutes When you're doing big laps and not stopping, focus on extending the stride, getting comfortable in your crouch, really focus on your technique and stride. Feel where you may NOT be exerting as much effort. Your whole leg, hip, knees, ankle and foot should be involved in your skating. the first 5 laps should warm up the muscles you're using now The 10 laps at 60% should help you identify the 'cold areas' and work them into your technique the next 5 laps you should be using ALL your areas and be skating at full efficiency. The questions you should be asking yourself are: Am I low enough to power my stride? Can I get lower to get MORE push? Am I comfortable this low (if not, do squats off-ice... build those thighs) Am I able to get my return stride into the push and be stable? Is everything working to enhance my stride? a good stride should result in fatigue across the leg when you're done. Right now I'm burning up my hip a little too much as I relearn the correct power technique I had when I was younger. Also, stretch A LOT I do this before every game: http://www.fitbodyhq.com/fitness/12-great-stretches-for-tight-hip-flexors/ I'll sit in pigeon pose for like 10 minutes on each side before a game and in butterfly for a half hour or more before a game. The end result is less muscle pulls, more flexibility and MOAR POWAH! :D there's a lot of 'feel' for the right skating. your muscles and joints should all be 'warm' when skating. If you're finding that you're not fatiguing the leg throughout and you're burning out one spot, you're compensating for lack of good technique. Your calfs and thighs should burn. your knees, hips and ankles should tingle and grow weary at nearly the same rate. Don't injure yourself though. Step up slowly into proper technique. Don't force it. I hope that helps.
  6. it's not always that easy if you don't know what your potential actually is I would look into anything that sells for Power Skating or Dynamic Skating.
  7. oh yeah? kind of like BMX grips :D next time I'll try the tape + WD40 thing. Hairspray isn't something I have... as I am bald.
  8. More open than a Coffey?
  9. Is it just me, or are blades getting harder to find? I'm looking for a Lidstrom curve now. looks like a good match for my play style.
  10. Thanks to a member here who sold me the pair for a great deal ($80 for 2 shipped) https://plus.google.com/photos/113927859411935722913/albums/5991729492743667025 Those Command Grips are a pain in the ass to install... wish I'd googled it first and saw to put WD-40 on the grip before sliding it over. gave myself a hangnail. Can't wait to fire a few shots off with it. I'm looking for a 2nd blade to use. I have my Coffey curve on this, but I'd like something that would keep the puck down. Something with a little less loft.
  11. Bauer Custom Supreme 200 Bauer Custom Supreme 100 so much ankle flex and articulation. NO protection, but the comfort and mobility made up for the broken ankles from stopping shots. the toe cap on my 200 shattered blocking a shot once... I tried to wear them a few more years but eventually it split so bad it was cutting into my toes. I just barely tolerate these Supreme 1000s: they're still pretty new and unbroken-in... but the heels aren't right. My heels go numb after a while. I'm still trying to heatgun them a bit to loosen them. I might see if I can steal my dad's 200s for a game or two.
  12. wow, those bring back memories. what was the draw of them? something about that plastic bit near the bottom IIRC.
  13. I've always wanted to put it on an aircraft and make it disappear...
  14. At this point I can lift most of the paint off with my fingernails. I was thinking of just scraping it off with a razor blade. I'll probably just hit it with some aircraft remover and scrape it off. I could anodize it or chrome plate it for maximum ostentatiousness.
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