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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About Chrism14

  • Birthday 01/15/1987

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  • Location
    Durango, CO
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  1. Went to jump on my bike this morning to ride to work, but no dice! Someone had stolen it over the weekend. Great way to start off a Monday!
  2. Ugh, sorry but i think that is the worst flavor of gatorade I have ever tried. Just my opinion though!
  3. I was curious as to whom i should order my custom Eagles from. Anyone have any suggestions?
  4. Ok, so everyone on here needs to check out this band called Animals as Leaders! Tosin Abasi is the lead guitarist and he is pretty much amazing. He is famous for using expanded-range(7 and 8 string guitars and merging jazz, metal, classical and other styles to forge his own signature sound. youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmfzWpp0hMc
  5. Man, i wish my wife was that cool! I'm still trying to talk her into the whole thing!!! Thanks for the info though!
  6. Wondering if anyone knows how much a pair of custom eagles run these days? Looking into getting the PPF X844 or the X905. Also, i know on the Warrior franchise you have options that aren't on the customizer. Does eagle offer this as well? Who can i order them through?
  7. Helmet: CCM V08 w/ Bauer Pro strait cut visor Shoulders: N/A Elbow: Easton S75? Soft shell (can't remember exact model) Gloves: Eagle PPF+ w/ extended cuff Pants: Some old Franklin breezers Shins: Reebok 18K Skates: CCM U+12 Sticks: Rotation of Warrior Dynasty Grip 100 Kovalchuk, Warrior Diablo Grip 100 Savard, & Easton Mako II Grip 100 Cammalleri.
  8. Ah yeah, Pick-up hockey during my lunch break. Just made my day!
  9. No pics of me on the ice but have a few from a roller tourny in Vegas last year.
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