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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. What a steal, that's less than what I paid for my Surgeons alone :( Where did you get them?
  2. @OptimusReim That's awesome, great team name too
  3. JR did Bauer send you the 1N gloves as well?
  4. @Mimizk that's some beauty woodwork
  5. Late to the party, I have a pair of Florida team stock Surgeon mitts. They definitely fit small but not in a bad way; pretty tight from fingertip through the backhand up to the break of your wrist then they flare out for awesome mobility. Finger length is fine. My trouble with tighter fitting gloves is always the inside padding on the back of my hand and knuckles; non issue with the Surgeons, extremely comfortable gloves. My glove size is 14, my Surgeons are 14s as well, got used to them in no time at all. My buddy got the same pair, he wears 13s and he said the 14s fit him perfect. Very happy with the Surgeons even though I generally prefer 4rolls.
  6. Helmet: Bauer Re-Akt with Pro Clip Straight Smoke Pants: Reebok 20K Shoulders: Warrior AXLT Elbows: Warrior AX1 Shins: Reebok 20K Skates: Bauer NXGs with Graf 705 tongues, Step Steel, & Superfeet Bag: Bauer Pro Carry Sticks: APX 2 (Kane 67), Reebok Ribcor (Datsyuk 65 & 75), RBZ Stage 2 (Tavares 65) Gloves: Bauer Nexus 800 & APX Pro, Reebok 9K, Combat MF 52 Cal (all retail). STX Surgeon 500 (Panthers pro stock), Reebok 10KN (Perron Oilers pro stock with CCM badging)
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