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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. My 15 yr old son recently switched from Vapor 3X pro to the Mach and noticed the same thing. Swapped the steel, so the same in both. Felt alot sharper on the outside edge. He has gotten used to the feeling.
  2. Yes, no problem. They can be profiled on the boot.
  3. I would suspect the skates were previously sold and the first buyer had a profile put on the blades. They then returned them and the store resold them to you. Happens all the time.
  4. I forgot to update this post. The Ribcores were a little narrow at the toecap for me. Tried on another pair of Jetspeeds which to me had a slightly wider toecap. Fit really well with good heel lock. Have had them a few months and am very happy.
  5. Interesting that they talk about needing a rigid heel for energy transfer. This is the opposite from their custom footbeds that come in low, med or high arch. These come with a cushion on the heel.
  6. Great thx. I am going to try to find a pair to try on. Worse case i could always order and return if they dont work.
  7. Are you in D width 68k? Some of what I am reading about the ribcore is a narrow fit. Some reviews are saying wider.
  8. Thanks for the replies. I had the nexus in D width. I got fitted today, they had limited stock but I tried on Tacks, Vapors and Jetspeed all D width. Jetspeed was the only one that was close. Nice fit width wise but could feel my heel lifting slightly when walking around. They didnt have ribcores in stock in my size.
  9. Hello all I know there have been alot of these posts lately but hoping to get some advice before going in to look for new skates in the next few days. A couple years ago I got fitted and the shop recommended supremes. But I found them too narrow in toe box which caused pain. Then I thought Nexus would solve that so bought them. Felt good in the store but after skating I found the heel was too big and was slippng. Any recommendations what I should look at. I was thinking maybe jetspeeds or the new ribcore? Are either of these going to be wider in the toebox than supremes? What about a EE in supreme? Will the heel remain the same as the standard D or is that wider too? I play rec hockey so not interested in customs/true. Thanks!
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