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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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cmflynn last won the day on December 2 2016

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Community Reputation

16 Good

About cmflynn

  • Birthday 02/23/1980


  • Skates
    CCM Tacks / Bauer Vapor X70
  • Hockey Bag
    Warrior Covert Carry
  • Shin Pads
    Reebok 14K
  • Elbow Pads
    CCM RBZ 150
  • Shoulder Pads
    CCM RBZ Control
  • Pants
    CCM RBZ 130
  • Helmet
    Reebok 8K / Avision Ahead Shield
  • Gloves
    Warrior QR Pro / Warrior Covert DTX / CCM U+08
  • Stick
    Warrior Covert QR1 W28 / True A5.2 TC4 / Warrior Widow W01,W88 / Warrior Covert DT3 LT W01/CCM Speedburner P45

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  • Location
    Boston, MA
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  1. The reason they can’t price themselves at the same level as AHL is that women’s hockey isn’t anywhere near the same level as AHL, NCAA men’s, or any of the major junior leagues in Canada. Sure they may be the best female players in the world, but where does that place them amongst the best players in the world overall? As boo10 points out, it’s around the level of top end 16 yo boys. USA/Canada games are probably better than that, but overall I think the women are really overestimating their value as an entertainment product, and this is coming from someone who actually likes women’s hockey, I just think part of the problem is they sold the game all wrong. They tried to sell the game as being just as skilled as the mens when it’s objectively not, but that’s actually why I like it, because it’s slower players have more time to try to make creative plays, and you can see how plays develop in a way you don’t really get to see in today’s dump and chase at 100mph that the men’s game often seems like. I think they might have had more success if they had been more honest about what their game is, and people might not have been disappointed going in expecting one thing and getting another.
  2. I think they’re making an incredibly short sited mistake and it’s probably going to kill women’s pro hockey, which really only had a slim chance of succeeding in the first place. They’re also not really negotiating from a position of strength when one league just folded in a country where the sport is king and couldn’t make a profit paying it’s players next to nothing. And they’re dreaming if they think the NHL is going to swoop in and subsidize a league that’s guaranteed to lose them a ton of money. They don’t even like having to pay their own players that they make money off of. Look at the WNBA, that’s a sport that has much broader audience appeal, is significantly cheaper to operate, and still has lost over $10 million every single year it’s been in existence. Call me crazy, but that’s not a prospect I seem a guy like Jeremy Jacobs signing up for.
  3. I think he meant overrated as in sharpening your own skates isn't as fun and rewarding as some of us assume it would be
  4. I'm actually the opposite, I prefer the BFD over FBV, I found that for me it performs better, and holds an edge much longer (i went 3 months playing 2-3 times a week on my last sharpening). I really gave FBV a try, and tried multiple hollows, and while I found the 90/50 FBV I'm using for the rest of the summer is ok, I still prefer the X8. We can argue about which one is scientifically better, and I'd concede the FBV probably is, ultimately its going to come down to personal preference, and the only way to know is to experiment with different grinds until you find the one that's right for you. Oh, and hope it isn't one where there's only one guy where you live that can do it, and he closes shop for the summer.
  5. In fairness to Sweeney holding on to Eriksson, the scuttlebutt I had heard at the deadline was that he wanted to move him but ownership wouldn't sign off on it because they were in the playoffs and within 2 or 3 points of the division lead at the time and didn't want to make a trade that would drop them out of the playoffs. As for the rest of Sweeney's questionable decisions thus far as a GM, at least he isn't the guy that's traded Hall and Seguin and gotten fleeced on both deals
  6. Similar mixed results. On the one hand the gloves fit nice and snug again, on the other hand they get much hotter than they use to. I'm guessing the reason is that foam the shims are made of doesn't breathe at all. I debating cutting those parts off the blue foam and using two together if I can't find an alternate foam to use
  7. Hey, I think I just found a cool alternate use for Powerfoot. The foam over the backhand on the inside of my Warrior DTX gloves has broken down to the point the gloves fit really loose and slide around, so I threw one of my spare sets of inserts in them and they fit nice and snug again like when I first got them. I'm gonna try them out in a game this Friday, but so far they've worked great for stick handling and shooting. If they work they'll be a much easier and cheaper fix than sending the gloves out to have the foam replaced, assuming there's even somewhere to send them to do that.
  8. Got a pair of these a few weeks ago and liked them so much, I order two extra sets as back ups. I don't really feel like I'm qualified as a skater to comment on the performance increase, but I definitely felt a difference in comfort wearing and them. If anyone's thinking of buying a pair they're running a promo with the code "Sydney" (no not Crosby) where you get 10% off and they donate a percentage to help support a youth hockey player (they have a video on their Twitter or Instagram explaining the details). Always nice to see a company finding ways to help kids play hockey
  9. Out of curiosity, what's the difference between a hockey head form and a football one? I don't think hockey and football players have structurally different skulls, so as long as the study accounts for the fact that different helmets fit different shaped heads (which I assuming is also true of football helmets since I haven't worn one since getting a concussion was called getting your bell rung and you could go back into play as soon as you could see straight) and using head forms that match fit, what difference should it make if it's a "hockey" head form or a "football" one?
  10. A guy I play with uses the Proformance max and let me it try it and it is pretty awesome, the puck seems to stick to your blade when stickhandling, but I just have a hard time justifying dropping $25 for wax when I still have 3 sex waxes and a tin of Howie's that were around $3 each.
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