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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About Dupes

  • Birthday 10/17/1977

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  1. Nope, mine have the NHL logo on them, these dont. Nonetheless, that link is a great deal for some nice pants, which appear to the be the exact model as mine.
  2. The are the newly redesigned 520's, 2 piece pants. They are now made lighter. These ones are from the Avs I believe.
  3. The color of the stitching is the least of my worries. As for the gussets, they are the same colors has the palms.
  4. He gave you like 40 sticks? I wish I had friend like that too. haha
  5. The MIA's have been worn once maybe, and the CL's a few times but are still in perfect condition.
  6. Here is what I picked up at the Habs sale yesterday. Nothing is for sale or trade :p U+ CL Spacek gloves Souray's 15" MIA's CCM pants Warrior Lang pants Hamrlik 11k's A few centennial shells
  7. where did you get them?
  8. Those are AK27's :)
  9. Im in deep love with these :D
  10. white stick tape haha, just wanted to see how it would look.
  11. Picked up some Stroker gloves. After a 15 minutes "custom" job LOL
  12. Yea, 2 different gloves LOL Its only the angle, they are the same :)
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