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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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MINIGREEK last won the day on July 1 2014

MINIGREEK had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

11 Good


  • Birthday 04/20/1979


  • Skates
    Bauer Supreme 190's
  • Hockey Bag
    Graf Wheelie Bag
  • Shin Pads
    Bauer Vapor x80
  • Elbow Pads
    Easton Pro
  • Shoulder Pads
    CCM 1899 Vintage
  • Pants
    REEBOK HP PRO 7000 Anaheim Ducks
  • Helmet
    Bauer IMS 11.0
  • Gloves
    CCM 4 Roll Pro
  • Stick
    CCM Tacks Pro Stock Stefan Noesen, Bauer 1X 77 Flex P14 Pattern

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  • Interests
    Skating and Hockey
  • Location
    Saint Diego
  • Gender

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  1. Don't now what hand you're looking for or what flex, but this is basically a P08 with a G3 flex profile (same as Ovi pro stock sticks) in an 82 flex. Just got one myself and if it's different from a retail P08, I can't tell, look identical.... https://www.prostockhockey.com/hockey-sticks/player-sticks/right-teemu-pulkkinen-total-one-mx3-82-flex-stick/
  2. Scored a Getzy MX3, Vatanen APX (A26) dressed as an APX 2, and a Palmieri Nexus 1N. And also got a new logo practice jersey in grey with the Sponsor patch on the shoulder. Sale was way more crowded than in years past and prices went way up. And for some reason, right handed sticks were like 50 dollars more than lefties which was lame. But I was happy with what I got. Hoping they have the secondary equipment sale after training camp like they did last year.
  3. Keep an eye on their Twitter, that's usually where you'll get notified first. Last year I almost missed it because I was waiting for an announcement on the teams website, but it came across in a quick Twitter message. If I hear anything I'll post it here....
  4. I bought that same stick from the same site. I love it! Only bummer is they're all gone and nobody else really makes that curve in retail sticks. The toe curve with a square toe is absolutely perfect.....
  5. Epic photo of me in the box. Probably for tripping.....or retaliating for being tripped....
  6. Hockey Monkey shows em, but they haven't stocked them in at least 8 months. I will be trying that Amazon link tho to see if they actually have em. I've ordered them before from Hockey Giant and Pure Hockey and both times got the message after that the order couldn't be filled and socks were out of stock...
  7. I went to both Ducks team sales this year and neither of them had any of the good socks available. It was mostly the away whites they wore before this year. So far I've only been able to find last years 3rd color way in a traditional knit sock, not the kind Reebok makes for the NHL....
  8. Helmet: Reebok 8k with Oakley VR900 Pro Aviator Cut visor Shoulder Pads: JOFA/RBK 7K NHL (from Ducks post season sale) Elbow: Easton Pro Sr. Elbow pad Gloves: Bauer Vapor X5.0 and Warrior Bar Down in Islanders Colorway Pants: Bauer Vapor APX Pro Stock (Ducks) Shin/Knee: CCM U+12 Skates: Graf 635S Stick: Bauer Nexus 1000 P92 77 Flex and CCM RBZ Pro Stock 80 Flex with Brad Staubitz curve.
  9. Anyone know what the G+1 means? Is it just the French-Canadian version of telling me it's 1" longer than inseam? That's my only guess. Thanks in advance.
  10. Came up huge at the Ducks sale.
  11. Came up huge at the Ducks sale. Really wanted a pair of Ducks pants and they ended up having a ton of pairs in my size. Literally had my pick of Bauer, Easton, Reebok, or Warrior. The Bauers fit the best so i snagged em. $50 Bucks for Brand new gear! I didn't mess with the game worn gear..it was more expensive and really beat up. Also got the Reebok/Jofa 7K Shoulders for $50, and a pair of Bauer Shells for $20. They had a TON of autographed/game used sticks for anywhere from 100-500 bucks. Again, I stuck to the new stuff, it was cheaper and literally brand new. But if you are a lefty, you literally had your choice of some of the best sticks made for 50-100 bucks. Rightys had a MUCH smaller selection, but I ended up with the Reebok Ai9 90 Flex, Smith-Pelly Curve (mostly cuz i fanned out on having one of his sticks) and then a great CCM RBZ 85 Flex with a Staubitz curve. They gave everyone a free Laundry bag to carry their stuff around in and I ended up with Kyle Caulders. They had a ton of official game jerseys but none in my size. I wish I would've slowed down and really looked everything over, but i really wanted sticks and pants so I rushed to those when they let everyone. As i was walking out I noticed a large table of skates, but I had spent all the loot i wanted to spend at that point. Oh well, next year.
  12. Scored these online and they arrived today. Going to try them out tonight...
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